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Captain blake’s office was pretty cozy, I was a square room with wooden walls, there were two circular windows on the opposite walls through which sufficient light entered the room, the floor was carpeted with a cozy red carpet and the walls were covered with bookshelves which contained hundreds of books, maps and in front of the window was a beautiful globe made of pure gold.

I looked around at the bookshelves which probably contained heaps of information about the world. Though when a deep voice started speaking my eyes shot up to the tall and formidable figure of captain blake, he was standing in front of his big desk of polished wood which was littered with everything from quills to a little chest of coins, the coins looked fairly new like they had just been made from molten gold.

The captains voice echoed around the room as he spoke. “you? Ugh weren’t you the kid who was drooling all over me yesterday, and then freaked out when I nodded at you.” I blushed, it sounded worse when he said it like that, though he continued “what are you even doing on My ship?” I froze, what was I supposed to tell him, that me and my friends just hitched a ride on his ship cause we were too late to catch our own ship, that would not give him a great impression of me, punctuality was an important thing among the pirates.

Just then the lady pirate who had busted us came running into the room, she looked… worried? She whispered something to the captain and he sighed then looked at us irritatedly. “I don’t have time for this, put them in the dungeon with that other girl." D…dungeon?, other girl?. What was he talking about, but I didn’t get a chance to ask him as we were dragged off by the same bulky pirates who had bought us in.

The dungeon or as the caption called it, was actually just a barred room with ropes on the wall and a disgusting smell, they tied our hands and legs and then left us in different corners on the room. There was already a girl in there, she had brown hair and shockingly emerald eyes, jenn gasped..

“georgina?” .Yes, it was our lady pirate friend tied up like us and barely awake, she opened her eyes slightly at jenns voice and then widened them. “what the… , what are you guys doing here?” I sighed as derrick told her what had happened “though what happened to you, you look terrible” derrick asked after telling his tale. She rolled her eyes “gee, thanks!” derrick turned a deep shade of red, “no not like that, it’s just you look…. Tired” derrick said carefully choosing his words.

She sighed a defeated look on her face.

“yesterday, I saw captain blakes ship, he was boarding it, and…” she blushed “I uh.. I.. I wanted to get his autograph on my pirate hat, soo.. I followed him and the next thing I knew someone, hit me on the head and I woke up here.”

Jenn laughed, “you are pretty stupid eh!”. “no more then you, sneaking on to a world famous pirates ship just because you missed your little one.. did you really think you wouldn’t get caught” She retorted, At that I lowered my head, it was my idea to sneak onto the ship and now if something happened to us it would be my fault, I leaned my head against the wooden wall of the small room and sighed, just then the ship started rocking real fast, we moved here and there and eventually me and jenn ended up next to each other so I quickly started to untie his bonding’s, I pulled and pulled and they finally came loose, he wriggled his hands free and then untied me, then we went to untie the others, we all got up as the ship wobbled and moved along the waters which were no longer calm.

But we were still in the barred room which was locked from outside. Georgina pulled out a hair clip and started picking the lock, which took about five minutes as the vibrations got worse and worse we all wobbled around the room trying to find balance when georgina finally succeeded in picking the lock, I wobbled out of the room and took in my surroundings. We were in a long well lit corridor, there were numerous doors to either sides of the wooden walls.

I stumbled my way to the window and gasped at what I saw. High waves slashed at the window, striking in an attempt to break in and fill the hollow shape of the ship, no one was around, I was pretty sure they were on dock tending to the ship, we couldn’t stay here if we needed to escape so I Signalled my friends to follow me, we tumbled and wobbled about until we reached the dock which was crowded with the crewmembers captain blake was at the wheel barking out orders to the crew, we tumbled out of the pile of barrels we were hiding behind as the ship violently shook, the water hit me in the face as I looked around in pure aw, I knew this wasn’t the time to drool, but the ship was beautiful, even though I wanted to be a sailor I hadn’t been on many ships except for practice and when madam pollina gave us a tour of our ship, but that was nothing compared to what I saw, the wood was magnificently polished and carved, it didn’t look like a human made thing, the floor was black and shoe worn, but it still sparkled with a certain gleam as if remembering the days when it was freshly carved and fit into place of the floors, from all my time poring over books and research papers on ships, pirates and anything related, I had heard a lot of rumors about this particular ship though, no one knew where it had come from, it wasn’t made by any of the worksman in bellise, remter or mengred but had just appeared one day along with captain blake, who also had his fair share of rumours.

I awoke from my trance as the ship jerked yet again, I slid to the side desperately trying to keep my balance, but failing miserably, I was just gonna fall of the ledge when a hand grabbed me and pulled me back on the ship, I turned to see it was captain blake he was wet from head to toe and his hair and beard drooped with water, he stared at me for a moment, a flair of something passed in his eyes so quickly that I wasn’t able to make out what it was, then he pushed me off to where my friends were standing, jenn grabbed my hand and I reached out my other one for georgina to take, she took it looking at me with a determined look on her face, then we all formed a human chain and……

Hung on for dear life

But the waves weren’t about to give up, they only went higher and higher as we tumbled along and then jenn lost his balance and tumbled overboard, I screamed and was pulled along with him as georgina, derrick and sprout girl (still don’t know her name) followed, the last thing I remembered was a red light before I lost consciousness.
Reading all these books I always wanted to make a cliffhanger
Ahh it's a dream come tru
Anyway srry for the late update cus I had exams and then I just kinda you know hit a writer's block

Anyway so News
I am doing a colab with nuvsdoesdumbstuff and we are writing a book together!
It's called hating you to loving you and the first chapter is out now!!
So do read it and tell me if you liked this chapter.
Have a good morning, day or night😁😁

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