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The bright lights in the streets of tawera were enough to mesmerize someone for hours, the streets were lined with shops, each selling a unique and different item, even tho magic was banned by the council of ancestors except for necesarry use, I still saw a few kids using theirs to add some toppings on the cakes and glitter on flowers.

Everyone had objectional magic nowadays, power magic was supposed to be extinct or so everyone thought, I had power magic, I didn’t know how? both of my parents had objectional magic, and that too very weak, powerful objectional magic was rare and that too required practice which couldn’t be done with all the rules of the ancestors.

I was thinking if anyone had powerful objectional magic anymore when I reached my destination, the beautiful lights of the tawerian streets long behind me, I was on the cliff now overlooking the beach and the impassable sea, it was dark and quiet, I quiet liked that combination as I sat down on the ledge and took a deep breath looking towards the sea.

We hadn’t had sailors for years now in tawera, except Sirius of course, he came every year with news of the outside world and gifts, stayed for a few months then left. The outside world was something that I longed to see and knew that I wouldn’t. The danger was just too much, for tawerians to leave the island was to lose their magic and powers, Sirius had made a big sacrifice by sailing past the limits of our ocean, as I stared out at the beach from the cliff I saw smoke rising up from the circle of prisoners, a batch of rocks to protect us from the outside world, anyone from the outside world was to be trapped in a circle of rocks that was impassible and made so with powerful objectional magic, it wouldn’t open without a tawerian wanting it to, it was also restricted to go near the beach, so it couldn’t be a kid playing a prank, I looked at the smoke now almost reaching the skyline, if the tawerians saw this they would panic, we had visitors from the outside world!!

In almost a hundred years no one had been to the circle of prisoners, my excitement knew no bounds, I quickly closed my eyes and asked mystia to come out, my ring started glowing as my red friend popped out of it, she yawned “what is it zeke, I swear if you woke me up to pester me about romano again, I will blast you, why don’t you just ask the guy out.”

Ah romano probably the most beautiful soul on earth, I didn’t think I could ever ask him out, plus there was that little problem that he was already courting someone, Damien Cristopher green, he was too intelligent for his own good, I couldn’t  believe romano would choose someone like him, if only that brat knew how much power I had, I could blast him out of the roof without even breaking a sweat, but my parents wanted me to hide my powers, so all I could do was sit and watch as he spined my poor sweet romano into his web of evilness!

I broke out of my train of thought as mystia blew a slight wind in my face. I sighed “it’s not about romano, mystia look” I said pointing at the trail of smoke coming out from the circle, mystia turned with an annoyed look on her face as her eyes widened, almost popping out of their sockets as she looked at the smoke.

“the circle of prisoners!, zeke… we have visitors!” she said as a big excited grin overtook her face. “yeah, I know” I grinned “yayy zeke we have waited for this for so long.” I grinned even wider, we had, we always wanted to meet outsiders and now was our chance. “come on now let’s go!” I said and she nodded enthusiastically and quickly waved her hand, creating a staircase of bright red, transparent glowing stairs all the way to the beach, it was a long way but I happily started climbing down the stairs, excited to meet our new prisoners… I mean guests. Ugh the name of the circle of prisoners was getting to me.

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