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Today couldn't get any worse, my head was throbbing from the three-hour lesson on marine health and now I had to go and get all the equipment on that hugeee list madam pollina gave us.
As I was heading out of the big plaza on the port of bellise or as the locals like to call the huge wood and brick building with all kind of sailing equipment and stuff, "The Lifeboat".

I was banged on the head by a huge palm, I turned and grinned at the bulky boy now standing beside me.
He spoke " how's my favorite sailor huh!" I flinched.
I still was getting used to my cousin's loud and gravelly voice , I sighed " well.. To be a Sailor, I actually Have to go out at the sea, not sit here and learn all about fish and health! They haven't even let us on the shipp yet"
" Ms pollina said that before we set foot on the ship. We had to attend all her lessons of ship cleaning and maintanence, marine safety.. blah .. blah .. blahh, we even have to learn ship talk!! It's exhausting"

My cousin just laughed " well you are the one who came all the way from peaceful mengred to loud and sweaty bellise, we make it a point to prepeare for anything... Absolutely anything."

I grunted and then sighed, even though mengred was quiet and peaceful, it didn't have any port or water bodies so it had never been an option for me.
I have always wanted to be sailor and the biggest port in the country was bellise and so, here I was... Preparing to go on my very first ship journey. My cousin coughed loudly and I jerked back to attention as he gave me an expectant look, I looked at him with a confused expression on my face and he sighed " did you even hear a single word of what I said?" " Umm, not exactly heh"

He made a frustrated noise and mumbled something about disappearing into my own world then said "anyway, I was saying that the annual pirate meet is next week, would you like to come with me?"

The annual pirate meet was one of the greatest event's in bellise and many famous pirates came to give speeches and get recruits for their crew. I had wanted to go there since I was eight!

" Of course, I would accompany you sweet cousin" I squeaked in what I thought was a very formal and polite voice. He just laughed again and said

" Don't get ahead of yourself bro, I want something in return too" I nodded "anything!" He blushed, " Well I sorta... Kinda.. told my friends that I had a lover and they asked to meet her, so I said I would bring her to the meet, So.... Could YOU pose as my lover in front of my friends for just one night ?

"WHAT" I shouted, he flinched and placed his hand on my mouth "whoa, quiet down will ya?, I am not asking you to murder someone or anything"

I put up my hands and he removed his hand from my face. "b..b..but we are both guys" "I know" he said "you will just have to dress up as a girl". I knew there was no way I could get an invite now. The invites for the meet were booked months ago and now with only seven days left for it the only way I could get one was a VIP ticket which was crazy expensive and only the super-rich people from mengred and remter could afford them. My family was not exactly that rich so this was the only way I could go there.

"Fine" I said. My cousin looked as if he would burst from happiness he smiled "great then, ooh and wear something girly and nice ok" I nodded, this was going to be one tiring month.
Roaming the streets of Bellise was one of my favorite things to do during my free time between lessons and training, we had just completed ship cleaning and I was looking absolutely filthy from head to toe.

Still, I didn't have time to go back to the manor to clean up before my next class, ship talk, which was in half an hour. I was looking at the boots at one of the shops when I saw her. she was walking across the street with a parrot on her shoulder and a mob of guys behind her.

It was Georgina the youngest and most accomplished pirate of her age. Though she wasn't known for her attitude and low temper. I still admired her determination

I stared until she walked out of site and then came to my senses as the shopkeeper asked me if I wanted the boots "which boots?" I asked and then I remembered that I had been looking at a pair of brown leather boots. I sighed. I had no money on me but I really liked them "umm, can you keep these aside I will take them tomorrow" he nodded and then realising the time I jumped and started running. My class was about to start and I was late.

Hey guyss!! This is my very first chapter of my very first book
So I have a few things I would like to sayy
*I haven't really thought much about the name of the story so ot may change
*And if you read this then plss comment on what you liked and what you didnt
*I would honestly be surprised if anyone actually read this.

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