
14 3 1

I woke up to frantic shouting and thumping, I opened my eyes and groaned, jenn was standing next to my bed trying to get into a pair of pants.

I stretched and burrowed myslef deeper into the covers,then i realized that the ship journey was today, I jumped out of bed and looked at the time, we had almost fifteen minutes to catch the ship. I thanked the gods that I had forced jenn to pack the bags earlier with me as I raced around getting last minute requirements and trying to find a pair of clean clothes.

derrick ran into the room a panicked expression on his face. “Come on guys we are soo lateee”. He ran out again trying to stuff a piece of bread into his mouth and combing his hair at the same time, I gathered all my stuff and got my bag on my shoulder than raced downstairs where jenn, derrick, and… the girl!! The girl from the kitchen was there too, she looked exhausted and her hair was a mess, I wondered why she had waited around for us, I didn’t have time to think about that though, I grabbed a piece of bread form the table gave Mrs. bridget a quick hug and wave and raced out behind my cousin and my friend, the girl followed us with impressive speed, she was wearing a close fitted top and a pair of leather pants, we reached the port as we saw the ship sailing off in a distance, jenn grunted and flopped down on the ground, the girl went next and soon I was also sliding to the ground, months of preparation and excitement and we had missed the ship!!

Everyone looked, shocked, sad, and exhausted. I looked around the port which was empty except for one ship…. ‘The Dark Wind’ it was getting ready to sail and its destination was pastonia, our ship was going to stop there too! I made a split second decision and grabbed jenn’s hand, I dragged him to the ship, derrick and the girl followed, quizzical expressions on there faces.

I pointed at the dark wind and then the destination board and after that the cellar, jenn nodded in realization and the girl understood too, though derrick still had a dumb expression on his face, the girl whispered something to him and looked at me then nodded, we snuck onto the ship and slipped into the cellar then  we made a dash for the pantry and huddled there as I prayed that no one would find us, I felt the ship as it pulled up its anchor and set sail, I breathed a sigh of relief, so far so good.

I spoke too soon. As the ship stalked the peaceful waters the door opened and a lady pirate with a eyepatch took a look at us and screamed..

I know I know, very very smoll, but this is a kinda filler chapter i guess.
Heh school is very mean and is having the exams from 21 to 30 December, I mean srsly I very sad, Christmas is ruined...🥺🥺🥺
Since my school is very mean, you cant blame me for the small chapter.

So let's all blame the SCHOOl together...🙂🙃😁
Heh I know I am making excuses but whatever,
Anyway, have a good morning 🌅 day or night 🌃❤️

AGAMANTEDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora