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The pirate meet was a day before we left for our first ship journey. I already had my belongings packed. When I woke up and went down I saw derrick eagerly waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs, he looked up hopefully "so... you are gonna come to the meet right" I nodded " ahhh I cant wait to see look on their faces when they see that you are real, I mean even though you aren't" he laughed.

I was starting to think this was a bad idea, how the hell was I supposed to act like a girl, what was I supposed to call myself? Well derrick had an answer for that, he told me my name was to be rosa and I was from remter, I had came here for the ship journey, in which none of his friends were going, phew... and as soon I saw him I fell head over heels for him and practically begged him to court me.

"don't you think that's a bit too much" I said "nah! You won't believe how stupid my friends are" I sighed yeah I wouldn't. jenn came down after an hour yawning. "Finally, I thought you were never gonna come". I grinned "I need my beauty sleep, xavier, or the ladies won't like it.".

I rolled my eyes, yeah right and I was supposed to dress up as a girl. I spent the whole day trying to make myself look as convincing a girl as I could then I tried to speak in what I anticipated was a softer, musical tone. Oh, and jenn he didn't miss a single opportunity to make fun of me,

he kept coming in to check on me and always had a lame remark for my look, finally when it was time to leave he came in and extended his arm, "are you ready my lady". I snorted, no I wasnt. as we went downstairs I saw derrick talking to Mrs. bridget, he had made sure for the house to be empty of my uncle as we didn't want any unwanted questions. As for Mrs. bridget, she was completely trustable,

as they saw me derricks jaw dropped open and Mrs. bridget just smiled. Derrick gawped at me as Mrs. bridget said "hmm, well done master xavier, you make a pretty convincing lady." Was that supposed to be a compliment, I said thank you any way, derrick was still staring at me and I slapped him on the arm. "hey! Its still me so don't you dare get any ideas". He gulped then nodded and held out his hand for me to take.

I took it and looked at jenn who was giving me a weird look, he quickly recovered and grinned. "Let's go now shall we, my lady".


The meet was bustling with people cluttering around, advertising for their stalls and greeting relatives. This year the bellise port committee had invited many famous pirates to come and join the festivities.

I saw many famous ships docked at the port, their entrances blocked by a line of stalls just in front of them. I saw georgina too, she was standing next to a tall guy with a beard and a huge curly moustache.

I immediately recoginizd him as captain blake, he was the captain of the dark wind, one of the oldest and most rich ships in the country. How had the committee managed to convince him to come around, he was one of the pirates who sailed for wars and treasures, he was said to be one of the deadliest captain of all times.

I gawped at him as derrick dragged me to his friends who were standing in a corner trying to impress a girl, we approached them as the girl walked away disgusted. "hey guys" they all slapped derrick on the back and greeted him with shouts. He pointed at my direction and I managed a smile " this is the girl I was talking to you about." All of their attention flitted to me at once.

I tried to stand straight as I thought of what my sister would say in a situation like this, I had a twin sister, though my parents had sent her to a convent when I was ten where she learned to be a proper lady. Now she never played in the mud or talked to me in anything but a formal voice.

When I was younger my mom told me that they had exchanged her for a better version and I asked my dad if we could exchange mom for a better version. I got three nights in the basement for that, I jerked back to attention when someone tapped me on the shoulder.

It was derrick he was looking at me with a concerned look on his face, all his friends were staring at me too. "umm, sorry I zoned out" I said and held out my hand. "I am xa.. oh no umm rosaaa and I am from remter, nice to meet you all, derrick has told me about you guys" that was true since derrick had given a description of each of his friends when we were walking to the meet, I looked around and identified some of them form his description. But they were all grinning at derrick and making jokes about girls, normally I wouldn't be bothered but I didn't feel comfortable staying there anymore so I walked off to search for jenn, I found him leaning against one of the poles in front of the stalls, he was surrounded by girls, one of them being fera, she was trying to edge closer to jenn as he told the girls one of his many stories.

He saw me and immediately grinned, oh no I didn't like the look on his face, he moved past the swarm of girls and reached me, then turned around and said "Ladies!! Meet rosa, she is my date for tonight" I looked at jenn with poison eyes, was I everyone's date tonight and I wasn't even a girl! All the girls gave me death stares and I managed a weak smile as i dragged a grinning jenn away from them.

"why the hell did you do that?" I snapped. He laughed "calm down dude, smoke is practically coming out of your ears" I fumed, he was seriously joking I mean now a bunch of people think I am derricks date and another bunch of people think I am jenn's date and whole lot of people think I am rosa from remter.

I started at jenn with the most poisonous face I had ever made. He stopped grinning but he was still smiling. "look, usually I don't mind the ladies but today I wanted to meet all the pirates and I needed a way to get rid of those girls". I sighed, he was right I wanted to meet the pirates too and I couldn't really do that with derricks friends around. I turned to jenn and whispered something into his ear.

"now we are talking" he grinned. I saw derrick waving over at me from a distance but I pretended to not notice him as jenn and I dashed for the lifeboat, inside I took of my dress and hair while I tried to remove all the makeup on my face, jenn rummaged through the closet and found a pair of pants and a plain shirt. Not fancy enough for the meet but it will have to do, then we found some ink and paper and wrote a note to derrick.

"dear derrick, I can't do this anymore, I have realized that I don't love you but I love your cousin xavier instead, he is so handsome and charming and I can't stand to be away from him, I am going to confess my love to him and if he says no, I will be heartbroken and will go back to remter...From rosa"

I showed it to jenn and we both burst out laughing, this was going to be fun. We told a kid to give the letter to derrick and then ran off. The rest of the night was fun, we met all the cool pirates and I even managed to approach captain blake, I told him thst I had heard a lot of stories about him and was a big fan, he gave me a grunt and a nod a whole nod, I thought I was gonna faint but jenn caught me and we both went to the roof of the lifeboat, It was empty and it had a very good view of the meet.

We sat on the ledge and watched. We pointed out the pirates we knew and their stories then I saw derrick, he was looking down in the dumps and his friends were around him trying to cheer him up, I felt a little guilty but that went away when I saw him rush after a beautiful girl who was standing at the cake stall, I grinned and asked jenn if he wanted to go have some cake, he grinned back and we made a mad dash for the stall.

After filling up we finally went back to the manor and crept up to our chambers. As I laid in bed I thought about my day, it had started as me trying to be a girl and ended with me and jenn racing to the manor in his fancy suit and my plain clothes, but it was worth it and I knew I was gonna have a good night's sleep.

So this is the next chapter, I think the story is going pretty well so far.
Hope you liked it, and have a good morning, day or night.😎😎😌

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