Chapter -3

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When I told jenn what I had agreed to do in order to go to the pirate meet he burst out laughing " hah ha ha t..t.told your cousin that you would be his lover" he was rolling on the ground with his hands on his stomach laughing.

I was a bright shade of red "sh..shutup its only for a day and it's not like I have to kiss him in front of his friends or anything, I just have to dress up as a girl and tell them that he is courting me" jenn laughed "whatever dude, you are unbelievable" "are you gonna help me pick out a dress or not." He rolled his eyes and then bowed "of course I would help you pick out a dress... my lady!!" I hit him on the head with a book and he pretended to faint, then we both burst out laughing and went to the clothes shop in town.

The shopkeeper greeted us and asked us what we needed "we need a dress for the meet in his size" he said pointing to me. The shopkeeper gave me a bemused look and I turned red for the second time that evening "i..its for my twin sister, she and I look very similar" I explained in the most convincing and manly voice I could muster.

Jenn looked at me and then nodded "yeah, they look totally the same" he was trying not to giggle as he said that but the shopkeeper had taken the explanation and was now searching for a dress in the back of the store.

He came back with a pink floral gown and laid it down on the table "this is one of our best pieces, your sister will look like a princess in this!" I nodded it was a pretty nice dress and the rate looked reasonable. "we'll take it" I said. The shopkeeper beamed and started wrapping it up. I thought of myself in that plum pink dress and almost puked.

"you okay!?" jenn asked. "yeah I am fine" I smiled. after getting the dress, as we were walking down the street I realized that for being a girl I also needed long hair and cosmetics.The Agony.

I turned to jenn "hey! Where am I gonna get hair" i asked and he put his hand on his chin, thinking "hmmm, that will be a problem. But I think the stable keeper just did the monthly trimming of his horses, we can ask there!" I nodded this girl business was getting more difficult then I had expected. So, for the rest of the evening me and jenn walked through the crowded streets of bellise buying all the things I needed to be a convincing the time we got back to the manor it was pretty late but I didn't care, we finally had everything I needed and that secured my ticket to the pirate meet.

Me and jenn snuck into the manor and ran into the kitchens to get something to eat, we hadn't had anything the whole evening and the idea of Mrs. Bridget's soup was enough to bring water to my mouth. As we entered, I saw the girl again. She was at the sink washing dishes, now was the time to apologize.

Jenn saw me looking and followed my gaze to the girl. "oooooh do you have an interest in her" he said giggling. I turned a bright shade of red for the third time that evening. "shut up I just need to talk to her for some time, why don't you go and look for food in the cupboards." He winked and walked away whistling. He was my best friend but he could be too stupid at times.

I walked up to the girl and smiled "hey, I am xavier, I uh live here". She looked up and her eyes widened. "hey! Calm down, I just wanted to apologize for shoving you that day" she calmed down a little and nodded "it's okay, I am used to it". I blinked "what?" she looked down and said "nothing, don't worry about it it's only been better since I came here, where I lived before no one would have apologized so yeah" "umm okay, so we good" she nodded and I quickly turned away and ran off, talking to her gave me the chills, there was something about her. Like she had a secret, a dangerous one.

I was still thinking about the girl when jenn sidled up to me and handed me a bowl. "found this in the cupboard, it had a note stuck on it from Mrs. Bridget 'I didn't see you in the dining hall today boys don't take anything else'" I grinned, leave it up to Mrs. Bridget to fill up your tummy. After a delicious dinner we decided to go to our dormitory to hide the days shopping, I stuffed the dress behind the closet and the rest was hidden by jenn in what he proclaimed was a 'his secret hiding place'.

jenn had a secret hiding place? What did he keep there pictures of girls? Mrs. bridgets soup recipe? He told me it was none of my business so I decided rather than to argue with him I should get a good night's sleep. I needed all my energy to go to the pirate meet dressed as a girl.
Hey guys!!!
How was the chapter?
I know it's smoll but I really wanted to upload, I think the next one will be longer.😁😁
Anyways, shoutout to nuvsdoesdumbstuff, do check out her page and follow if you want.
Have a good morning, day or night.

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