I Woke Up Alone...

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When I woke up, I called for Shawn, getting no answer I called for my mother and then my father. I got no response, I quickly got out of bed. Calling out an occasional 'hello' as I walked around my house. When I stopped in my tracks. "Well good morning." Shawn said smiling. "Why didn't you answer me?" Was the first thing I could think of. "Sorry, I didn't hear you." Shawn said frowning. "Where is everyone?" I said sitting down next to him. "They're at work." He said extremely into this show.

I turned off the TV. He glared at me. "We have my whole house and you wanna watch TV?" I said annoyed. "Yeah, its raining. I thought we could have a movie day." Shawn smiled throwing my favorite candy at me.

I laughed at how cute he looked. I opened it and started eating it. I watched the TV and we just watched every movie I owned. And more that were on the channels of my TV. It was a lot of fun.

Pretty soon it stopped raining but it was getting dark. I checked the time ad it was 8:37 my parents always got off work at 4 p.m. and if not they called or told me the day before. I started to panic when my mom or dad didn't answer my phone, because they owned a business together. I walked out into our garage. My mom's and my dad's cars were both here, they drove to work together. So one car should've been gone. I walked back into the house. "Shawn!" I yelled walking into the living room. "Yeah baby?" He said looking at me innocently. "You said they left and told you they'd were going to work. Both cars are here, Shawn." I said freaking out. "I did..." Shawn said looking at me confused. "Shawn they should be home by now!" I said trying to call again, getting no response. I walked upstairs into their room. There were clothes littered on the floor, the bed was messed up, and in the bathroom there was a few drops of blood by the sink. I started freaking out as I ran downstairs. Shawn stopped me. "What's wrong?" He looked at me weirdly. "Nothing." I lied because he was the last person to talk to them and now they're missing. "You sure?" He said looking deep in my eyes. "Yeah, I'm sure." I lied again. I called the company number. I got no answer. My mom walked in. I hugged her. "Jordan are you okay?" My mom said worried and then hugging back. "Where's dad?" I said looking out the door. "He's in a meeting." My mom said starting to get things ready for dinner.

I walked upstairs and starting cleaning my room like crazy, I felt like there was something I needed to find. When I stumbled up on something. It was a picture, I remember taking it at a magcon meet up in NYC but there was something weird about it. It was only Shawn, Matt, and I and the fans we took the picture with.

That was the final proof to me, my mom was right. They did not exist. But then why did I remember all of them? Shawn walked in. "Hey, you okay?" He said walking in and sitting on my bed. I handed him the picture. "But..." Was all he could get out. I nodded. Kaylee texted me. "Hey." It said. "Hi." I replied, locked my phone, and threw it in the corner of my room. I wasn't in the mood to be bothered, all of my friends, practically family, all were just now figures of all of our imaginations. I still had 1 question: where is Matt. We were the only ones that left alive, but nobody can find Matt. This was so weird, I expected him to contact us. When Shawn broke me from my thoughts, he was getting a phone call from Matt. I answered it. "Hello?" I said. "Jordan? Is Paige okay? What happened? I can't find anything on any of the other guys, or Mahogany. Is Shawn okay?" He rambled. "How did you get out alive?" I said ignoring his questions. "I was hiding, when you guys left, he stopped trying to find me and went to get you guys." Matt said seriously. When it hit me, he couldn't have been hiding and have seen that we ran him over! I excused myself and told Shawn.

"You're right. Their apartment faced the opposite way from the road. He would've had to walk around the other side of the parking lot." Shawn said taking the phone. "Matt, where are you?" Shawn spoke into the phone. I could only hear one side of the conversation. "We have a flight back to Minnesota in 2 days. Kaylee and Paige will be there too. Is there any way you can meet us?" Shawn said listening closely. "Okay, Matt, we were worried. I'm sorry, I didn't even know anyone else was okay." Shawn said. "Yeah, I saw Hayes's body. And I knew because Hayes was it that round." Shawn said trying to gather information. He said his goodbyes and hung up.

Shawn looked at me worried. "Jordan, he's hiding something. He either knows the murderer, or he's covering something up about this. Let me just tell you this, whatever happens, your safety is my ONLY priority. If I can't save Paige, Kaylee, or even myself, I will do it, if it keeps you safe." Shawn said. "If you die, what's stopping him from hurting me when you're gone?" I said in disbelief. "You're right." Shawn said looking down. I walked over to him, kissing him gently as I took his face in my hands. It was a kiss with a lot of meaning. When it was finally over, I rested my forehead against his chest and he wrapped his arms around him. The smell of him and the sound of his heart beat was the last thing I remember.

I blacked out for a while. I woke up about 3 hours later and my head was killing me. I sat up to find Shawn blacked out next to me. "Well hey there." I heard behind making me jump. It was Alex. "What did you do, Alex?!" I screamed with complete anger. "Oh I drugged you both. It was quite easy." Alex smiled a smile that was so innocent you could tell he had no remorse. "Why?" I said extremely confused. "Because. He took you from me. You were my everything, Jordan!" Alex yelled at me, getting up and pointing a gun into Shawn's back. "You were the reason behind every cut, behind every purge, and every time I lied and said I wasn't hungry as I wasted away from starvation. I tried to over dose pretty close to every night because of you! You told me I was worthless, no matter how much I starved myself, no matter how much I purged, no matter how skinny I got, you still called me fat. You were horrible to me! And Shawn has made me know I'm beautiful, know I'm perfect. And that I'm worth it." I screamed with pure anger. "You're a liar! All the girl's at school wanted our relationship!" He yelled back. "Yeah, you didn't beat my face in at school. Or push me into things. Or kick me. Or put a knife on my neck and threaten to kill me. I dreaded school ending, because after school was like dying over and over again." I said starting to cry. I saw him realize how he treated me. "I'm sor-" he started to say before I cut him off. "Don't you dare! No! Burn in hell, Alex!" I screamed. "Come with me, my dad lives down there." He said pointing his gun at me and then cocking it. I looked in his eyes. I dried all my tears. If this was happening, it was happening, Alex does everything, there's no negotiations. If he was going to kill me, I wasn't going to break down and beg for my life pathetically, because in the end, he's going to kill me anyways. I stared deep in his eyes. When he started to tremble. "Do it, Alex! Fucking kill me!" I screamed at him. "No." He said putting the gun to his side. "I know I treated you horribly, and I made you hate yourself. But I did love you, I still love you. And I could never hurt you again." He said breaking down. "You don't do things like that to someone you love, you want them happy at all costs, you tell them you love them constantly, and when they're hurt, it hurts you too." I said with angry tears burning the back of my throat. "The only thing that hurts is that I made you feel like that." He said starting to shake. "It hurts me too, because you were the best boyfriend ever in the beginning, then I walked home from school with you, and like that, it changed. Why did it change, Alex?" I said really wondering. "I was hooked on Acid, Jordan. It made me insane, paranoid, and angry." He said looking ashamed. "So you're on Acid?" I said scared. "No, I'm clean. But after researching it, it has long term affects that happen when you're on the drug. My anger never stopped. But since I lost you, I've had to be committed because I sliced all the way up my wrist 4 times. I know I'm a complete fucking idiot because I treated you that way, lost you, and failed every time I tried to kill myself." Alex said gripping his gun in his hand. "Put it down, Alex." I said trying to calm him. "No. Get up, you're coming with me. I'll kill you and him, Jordan. I have nothing to lose." He said pointing the gun at me and motioning me to get up and walk out the door.

I got up carefully, keeping my hands where he could see them, as he gave me directions of what to do. He led me to his house, I walked inside as he had told me to do. He made me walk down the basement stairs, he locked the door with a key that he had on a chain around his neck. "Take your clothes off." He said undoing his zipper on his pants. I slowly took my shirt and shorts off. "Get on your hands and knees." He said motioning the ground with his gun. I quickly got onto my hands and knees. He got behind me, unhooking my bra and sliding my underwear off. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying my hardest to not break down.

After he was finished with me he slammed my face into the cold cement floor, knocking me unconscious.

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