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I just want to say that I love each and every single one of you guys and I care so much about you, I have dealt with suicidal thoughts and this story may trigger you. If you don't think anyone cares, I do. And you can message me at any time. I will give you my kik or even my phone number if you really need it. Keeping all of you safe is my first priority. So if you are dealing with substance abuse, domestic violence and/or suicidal thoughts. Please reach out to any of these numbers, you stay anonymous. Please, get help. There's so much to life. And I promise, it gets better. I am proof that it gets better. If I can make it, I promise you can too. I love you, please reach out to me or these numbers. I love you and stay safe.

If you are dealing with suicide do not give up, please call 866-379-6363

And if you can't call please text "LIFE" to 61222

And if you or someone you love is dealing with abuse whether it's physical, mental, or emotional abuse please call 1-800-799-SAFE

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