Shawn Wanted To Leave

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I woke up to someone shaking me. It was dark so I was going to scream for Shawn. But the person covered my mouth. He pulled off his hood, I breathed out in relief that it was Shawn.

"Get all of your stuff. We're driving back to Minnesota, it'll be fun. Just you and I. On a long road trip." Shawn whispered. I got up and quickly packed all of my stuff. I decided to take one of Shawn's shirts, and one of his sweatshirts.

We got into his car and we were driving. We were up before the sun. We jammed out to music by playing my music in the car. It was really fun. Before I knew it, we were at the Canadian and American border.

We had to get out and have them search the car, pat us down, check out pass ports and bags and we were on our way.

Pretty soon after crossing the border, we saw an iHop and decided to stop for breakfast. I ordered eggs and bacon. And Shawn ordered an omelet. We giggled as we ate.

"Don't you think your mom will hate me more now?" I said stopping and staring down at my plate. He lifted my chin up and looked in my eyes. "What happened to not caring what people thought about you?" Shawn said looking concerned. "I don't care, but she's your mom. She's the one person I want to make sure likes me. She's important to you. And she could ruin us." I said looking back down. "She could ruin us... If I cared for her input. But I don't, she may have been right about my ex's, I'll admit that. But she's not right about you, I KNOW that." Shawn said making me blush.

He always had a way of making me blush, A LOT. And he always made me smile. And laugh. He was just such an amazing person. And I love him so much. He's a great person, inside and out. He's very amazing. And his passion for singing just inspires me. He makes me feel like I can do anything. And he always pushes me to do my best. Because together, we don't care what them people say.

A hater is just a fan that's just scared to admit it. Haters are funny actually, they stalk you just like fans, but they think everything you do is terrible, they spend money on you and everything, just to hate. And that's funny, they make you more famous by hating. They think they're tearing you down when in reality, they're lifting you up higher. And so are all the positive and loving fans.

"You ready to go, beautiful?" Shawn said making me blush again. "Let's stay for a little bit longer." I said and Shawn nodded. We sat there, sipping our drinks, talking, laughing, being young and very much infatuated with each other. I'm sure we looked annoying to everyone, but I don't care about them. I have Shawn to support me, and that rises above ANY hate.

So let them hate on, be annoyed and more. It doesn't matter.

We finished eating, paid, and we were back on the road. It was so much fun being young, not just being young, but being young with Shawn. We had the type of relationship where instead of venting to each other about problems, we ran away, we ran away from all our problems together.

And I know that's a bad thing, but we don't have any responsibility yet. We have time to live our lives as we want too.

We don't have any worries.

As we drove to my house, I started falling asleep, which was weird because it was 4 p.m. And I was fine until now. And I started getting dizzy, and pretty soon... It was Lights Out.

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