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         I huffed as we entered the alley way. I checked behind us to see if there were any police still after us, but it appears we lost them. Tari was freaking out just like everyone else, but I was the one keeping the cool. Sure, I wanted to pass out right then and there, but someone had to keep      their head in the game. I only wish that Masa and Belle had came with us. But Masa was in shock and Belle needed to help him with the police. The memory of Lucks' death was still fresh in my mind. Suddenly, a bright light shined at us. I used my blue jacket I took off while running to try and block the light, hearing someone talking.

"Well, well, well. Look's like you, could all use a ride..." A man with what appeared to be multible meta arms came out from the light, which revealed itself to be a van.

  "Wha- Who are you?" Tari asked, backing up next to me. Theo did the same, which a part of me thought was cute.

    "Ah, you must be Tari eh? Heh, gotta admit. Metting you in person, the stories might just be true." The man said, and his name finally clicked with me again.

   "Wait, Marco? Why are you here?" I manage to say. Marco let out a hearty laugh.

 "Ah, so you DO remember me. Heh, unfortuantly for you we don't have much time before the pigs come checkin' for ya. Hop in." Marco went into the passenger side of the van. With no                 where else to go we all agreed to get in as well. We went to the back side and the doors opened for us. We jumped in and 2 meta runners closed the door behind us. The van started to move just as police cars were pulling up.

   "Don't worry about 'em. We know all the secrets and passeges of the under ground. Now then, let's get down to business." Marco turned back to us as we finally got a seat. "I'm fully aware of what Masa did to me, and how you all cheated to win that meta arm. Now, I havn't the faintest idea of why it pulled the trigger by itself, but that basterd Lucks had it commin' to him." I suddenly felt numb again, the memory surging into my nerves like a sickness. Tari placed a                hand onto my shoulder and pulled me into a hug, trying to comfort me.

   "Ok, look weird spider guy. I have no idea where we're going or who you are, but you obviously are a bad guy. I mean, JUST LOOK AT THE MUSTACHE, IT SCREAMS EVIL VILLAN!" Theo shouted, earning a laugh from Marco.

   "You know Coconut boy, I get that more often than you think. Now then, as to where we're goin', well, let's just say I want you guy's debt to be paid." His voice seemed more serious than ever, making me feel uneasy. "You see, no one cheats in the under ground like Masa, and since he's already arrested, well, the next best people to pay his debt is you guys. And lucky me, you         have no where else to go. Your wanted by the law every where!" He suddenly tapped a few things in the front and a hologram appeared in front of us.

    'And further reports say that the group known as MD-5 are responsible for Lucks', president of TAS corp, death. 2 Members were found at the scene while the rest fled. The 2 members are identified as Belle Fontiere and Masa Shimamoto. Masa Shimamoto is reported to be in a state        of shock so no information is obten from him at the moment. Belle Fontiere has only told the police that Lucks derserved it. And with the sudden leak of information sorrounding the dark truth of TAS corp, confirming many people's claims of assualt, harrasment, blackmaill and more, many are inclined to agree. But this is still an act of agression and thusly they must pay time. If any information is known about MD-5's whereabout's then please contact your local authorities immediantly.'

    It felt like we had been thrusted into a whole new world. I heard Lamar talking with Sophia, but I was starting to black out on my end. Tari pulled my head down into her lap and told me to try and sleep it off. Which I took to right then and there....

     My nightmares had only just begun.

            E.Gadd was annoyed to the max. He had spent weeks, no, MONTHS researching this semmingly random girl, and yet, he couldn't figure out where she came from. Tari, part of the SMG4 crew and SMG4's (kinda) girlfriend just didn't have any records of her any where in the              Mushroom Kingdom data base. He had spent days hacking into the data, only to find out that there was nothing on her there anyway. He had even asked her himself, but her answer only brought upon more questions.

    "Oh, I just woke up in some lab one day. Then I started playing video games for a living and then met Mario, then SMG4, and before I knew it I became a part of the SMG4 crew!"

E.Gadd was curious however, when she said 'I just woke up in a lab one day'. He spent a lot of time trying to find it, only to be met with not a single hint of succes... Unless. 

"OF COARSE! Why didn't I think of it before?!" E.Gadd had a 'brain blast' as he went around his lab, scavenging any supplies he could gather. If he couldn't figure out how Tari had all of her abilities the normal way.... Then he would have to figure it out the SCIENCE way!

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