A Whole New Wo- SHUT UP (smosh ref.)

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From no on there will be POVs ok?

Meta Gavin POV:

   Every thing hurt. I had no idea that waking up after last night would be so draining. Tari was still asleep so I took this as an opportunity to get dressed. I walk over to the small closet that I had been provided and took a look at the wardrobe. It was filled with simple stuff like  T-shirts of varying color, pants and masks. I just took a bland grey T-shirt and put on some sweat pants. I grab my jacket from the hanger and leave as Tari is waking up. I walked out into the man area of the 'Underground'; A group who focuses on illegal meta runner jobs. Due to Masa's cheating  we're currently forced to work as agents of this underground, and they hated it.

    It always meant that we were on the run from police, and we couldn't even go outside without risking getting arrested. Not to mention the people here weren't exactly the nicest people you would meet. They always kept to themselves, making sure no one would spy on  them. And there were certain rules that people needed to follow to make sure everyone it 'happy'. These included stuff like one person per room, no taking extra food, only go outside when approved, and the most hated one, no playing video games without permission. Video games are the meta runner's THING! And yet the only times we could play were when a new   challenge was held. These 'challenges' are what brought us down here in the first place. People compete in a game, and the loser will give up their meta arm. And if not, then their left in the streets to either rot or get caught by police. Luckily, the remaining MD-5 group have managed to       stay in the underground for about 5 months, despite the constant close calls.


      The underground area itself was like an abandoned warehouse. There were a few higher platforms that housed a few other member's rooms as well as supplies and other random crap.       Only Marco, the leader of the underground, and some of the higher ups could go into the supply rooms. I just sighed and walked over to a random table and sat. I just wanted to get this over with. Pretty soon Tari came out of my room, looking exhausted as well. She was still putting her arms through her jacket and her tank top was a bit rustled, as was her hair. She got over to were I was and sat next to me, finally getting the jacket to zip up. I sighed, knowing that   she was a bit embarressed about last night. Oh yeah, another rule was that you couldn't have an romantic relationship. That's because if someone gets caught, the higher ups don't want someone doing anything stupid. So, me and Tari usually got up a bit earlier than most people to talk with each other.

   "So, how'd *yawn* you sleep?" I asked rubbing my eye.

 "*yawn* Good." Tari yawned as well. (God why is her yawn cute?)

      "So, about that thing last night, can you describe it better?" Tari seemed to be confused by the question, and I just sighed. "About the strange feeling?"

  "OH! H-heh, yeah. I just kinda forgot that... Um, so, the best way I can describe it would be, like feeling your at another place, as well as where you currently are. It just felt weird."

  "...*sigh* Ok, well, let's try not to let that get to us ok?" Suddenly, more doors were opening and soon enough more underground members came out to great the world. Some passed the 2 a glance before walking away, and they knew why. The people had always been suspicious of              the 2 being a couple for quite some time now, and Theo wasn't helping either.


    "Hey guys!" Theo made me jump a bit as he poped out of nowhere. Ever since they had helped Theo he had seen the 2 as parental figures, sometimes even calling them Mom and Dad.    So they would have to explain to people that he wasn't their 'actual' son, but they both kinda liked the idea.

  "T-Theo?! Don't scare me like that, I could've had a heart attack!" I said, not noticing someone watching them.

   "Oh, uh, sorry 'bout that. Also, can we go grab some grub? This coconut boy is HUNGRY!" Theo said with a smile, earning a sigh from Me.

  "Oh Theo, when will you learn to read."

 "When you actually start teaching me." This earned a small laugh from Tari, which was a bit rare now a days. 

   "Hey you 3. The boss wants to see you." A man called out, breaking the mood. The man had 3 meta arms, as well as having an mechanical eye. Meta 'Eyes' are usually banned from being made, but this guy had apparently got his hands on one. I instantly recognized him as an          higher up, being one of the best gamers here. I only knew of 2 other higher ups other than Marco. The first guy was this person who always wore a mask over their head. They were so mysterious that they only ever show up at meetings and then, their just gone. And then, the              other one, Tari.

      Tari was promoted to an higher up due to only her surprising skills, but also her abilities which wasn't surprising. As such Tari got special treatment and could even bend the rules to make some funny situations. Like once she had brought a few games to 'practice' with me and we ended up not sleeping until they forced us to. It was really funny. But anyways we headed with the man and entered a room full of the higher ups. You could tell if they were a higher up since they always had a pin on their clothing. Tari refused to have a pin hung on her clothes so she didn't stand out much. They all stared at us and I knew that this meeting was going to suck. Marco was sitting in a chair at the end of a big table, so we were seated at the edge of the other side. Theo just climbed onto the table due to the chair not elevating him enough.

"Well, well, well, nice of you to drop by." Marco said, a grin forming on his face.

     "Ugh, what is it?" I asked, earning a small laugh from Marco.

"Heh, now now let's not get hasty. But to answer your question. We've made a discovery that we think Tari here will enjoy." His eyes pointed towards Tari, which made her tense up. A woman, taller than most, walked over to Tari and handed her a few pictures. I looked over as well as Theo and what we saw shocked us... It was Evelyn, the person who was just as bad as Lucks, running out of the underground with supplies.


??? POV:

"Ah, I see you've made it back." I say as Evelyne walks into my work space. "So, was SHE there?" Evelyne nodded with a grin, which I returned. "Good, seems like I can trust you after all doc." I say, turning to the strange docter that was fiddling away with the machine. He turned to me and gave a one toothed smile before resuming his work. Soon, we would be able to finally bring HER back, and project blue_jay would finally pay for taking everything I LOVED AWAY!

"Hmmm, it appears we might have a problem." The docter spoke, returning me to reality.


   "Well, you know how I wanted to research Tari, correct?" I nod my head. "Well, it seems my former 'colleges' have persued my trail, and are now here." This was indeed a problem, a problem that shouldn't be taken lightly. I've seen what this docter cn do, and if these 'colleges' of his can do the same...

      Then the plan is in trouble... No, I'm in trouble... Evelyne is in trouble.

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