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(SMG4) Gavin POV:

   I leaned against the wall as I felt like falling over, for what reason I don't know. Must be because I'm stressed out or something. This kind of situation was sort of normal for us, as in ending up in strange places for no reason and getting into trouble; But this felt different. E.Gadd had tried to hurt Tari, jumped into a random portal, and now they knew nothing of this place. Tari had been recovering a bit but was still unable to stand up straight, Xari was still trying to contact the others and Mario and SMG4 were just chilling near Tari. I let my mind wander to the poster I saw a few hours earlier, still finding it strange that one of the people 'wanted' looked like Tari. I haven't told anyone else because I just don't think its important.  But no matter how much I try to ignore it it just keeps coming back up, like a part of me just wants to think about this place. I sigh as my redirect my thoughts to the PLAN we came up with. One that THANKFULLY Mario promised not to screw up. (Knowing him, he'll screw up.) 

Its a really simple plan really; We scout around the city to figure out where we are, locate E.Gadd through epic style, force him to take all of us home, AND TORTURE HIM FOR ALL OF ETERNITY!   .... Ok that last part is a BIT overexaggerated but my point still stands. I poke my head out of our alley to see if I could spot anything, and that's when something catches my eye. A man in some strange smiley robot mask was looking in our direction... No. He was staring at US! I felt a small shiver grow in my back as I continued to look at the man. His clothes seemed mostly robotic and he had the same gosh darn meta arm as so many people have here. 

"Excuse sir." A voice said making the rest of us look over... A cop.

    "Um, hello there." I say, trying to act cool. The police man wasn't alone as more people began to crowd around the entrance.

     "We need you and your 'friend' over there to come with us." The police man said pointing to Tari.

"Ok.... Just give us ooooonnnnneeeee second, k?" I said as I walked over to the group. "Let's get the fuck out of here right now." They all nodded and Xari quickly grabbed Tari by the waist and we all began to run.



     "SUCK MARIO'S A-PINGAS!" Mario yelled as  we quickly ran into the wall... No, we RAN into the wall. Small debree rustled the ground but we kept going as we heard the police scream in shock. We ran past a few people and started doing sick parkour stuff, leaping over cars, sliding under a few, and even knocking someone out... Well, I was doing that at least. Mario tried to copy me and ran straight into a car. SMG4 had to grab him as his face stretched out from the impact and we began to run towards more traffic, only for it to not be traffic at all. The police had formed a barrier of sorts around us. Tari held up her hands as best as she could and SMG4 held his hands up but in a fist like motion.

"You'll never catch us coppers, not when I shift into MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE! YAGHAOAYHAO-" Mario suddenly BLGed straight into me and we were sent flying off into another alley as everyone else just stood there. I quickly got up as Mario shook his head. "That wasn't a-supposed to happen." I simply give him a death stare as I notice the others getting pushed into one of the police cars.

"Shit. Mario we need to go and think of a plan. And I swear if you-"


    "LEEROY JEERKINS!" Mario tried to run forwards but I caught him by the neck and pulled him backwards as the police made their way over. 

         "In here fat ass." I shout as I open a sewer hole and jump in holding Mario. I somehow ended up landing on him but I really could care less as we continued to run for our lives...


   "I WANT MY PHONE CALL, AND A LAWER, AND ALSO TO KNOW JUST WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM!" I shout at the top of my lungs as the car continues to drive. Tari's just gone quite and Xari was fiddling with the hand cuffs. I felt bad about Mario and Gavin running away but I'm also glad they did, as they can come back with a plan to get us. The police in the front just won't stop staring at us to, which is getting really annoying. Not many things get me annoyed as much as Mario's antics, but this just might be on pare with them. We eventually reach a station which looks extremely futuristic with small glowing holograms and shit like that. Someone with a big stature and beard walks from the entrance and to us as we are forced out of the car.

"Ah, Tari, glad to finally meet you. Though you seem a bit shorter than people say you are." This made all of us look at the man with confusion, but he simply continued on. "Now, you should know why you're here today, but given you've aquired some new 'friends' I think a recap is in order. *AHEM* Tari, you are under arrest for the murder of Derek Lucks, former president of TAS corp, and your friends are also responsible for this action. Now, with the recent leaks that have gone viral we know he's done some truly terrible things, but that doesn't justify murder. And fu-"

"Ok, I'm going to stop you right there sir." I interrupted. "Now, I don't know if YOU know this, *Chuckle* but we have no idea what the actual mushrooms you've been smoking bud. Now if you'd be so kind as to let us go we will be on our way and find our friends and-" A suddenly joly of electricity hits me like lightning as one of the guards tells me to shut up. "HEY! I'm just trying to tell the tru- *SHOCK* STOP IT ALREADY!"

"Sir, I really don't mean to sound rude or anything, but SMG4's, my friend right here, is right. We really don't know what your talking about. Maybe you've got the wrong person or something, I don't know, but can you please just let us go." Tari pleaded, only receiving a sigh from the 'warden'.

"Take them to the others. They must be dieing to see them" The warden said as the guards took us to a holding cell. I banged on the bars but they didn't budge, that's when a very strange but familiar voice called to us.

"Tari?" We all turned to see a man sitting in the corner, hugging his knees and...


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