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"LADIES AND GENTLMEN!" E.Gadd yelled as the SMG4 crew stepped into his office. He had called them all here to see his new, 'invention', though everyone had brought something to protect             themselves just in case if it goes wrong. I mean, not like E.Gadd's inventions EVER go wrong right?...

     SMG4 was the first person to ask an important question. "Why is it so dark in here?"

"... AH RIGHT! I forgot to turn on the spectacal lights. You guys probably can't even see me, heh. Here, this should suffice." A button was heard and a blinding light shot across the room. "I, Professor Elvin Gadd, have created a machine, that, when activated..." The crew could finally             see again and stared at E.Gadd on top of a giant ray gun. "CAN TRACK THE ORIGIN OF ANYTHING IN THE UNIVERSE!" E.Gadd let out a laugh that sounded oddly evil, but in truth if he went evil it wouldn't surprise anyone at this point.

    "Um, ok, but why though?" SMG4 said.

"'Yeah, why would YOU of all people need one of these things any way?'" Said Saiko, following up on SMG4's comment. 

   E.Gadd stood silent for a moment before speaking once again. "Ah, you'see my fellow Mushmaricans-", "That's not a thing.",- I have access to everyone's backstory in my data base.            If all the NON IDOTS can remember that." E.Gadd's glare went straight to Mario, Bob, and Rob.

"Oi! Mario's got 4 IQ" Mario said in his weird 3rd person voice, turning away in anger.

    "Ok..... Then why would you need this th- Wait, don't tell me we're going on another fetch quest." Meggy placed her hands onto her hip, hopping that she didn't just jinx anything.

    "Oh fret not my once inky friend. This is only to be used for science! Watch, observe, and be mesmerized!" E.Gadd suddenly pulled out an apple and put it on a table. He clicked a few buttons and the ray gun began to power up. No one noticed the door shutting behind them, as        they were too focused on just what the heck this mad scientist has created. A big purple light shot forwads and another blinding light covered everyone's view. Now, where the apple once stood lays an apple tree, filled to the brim with apples a like. 

  "HOLY PINGUS!" SMG4 yelled, completely surprised by the fact it actually worked. Though E.Gadd seemed to have something else on his mind. 

  "Yes yes thank. Never doubt me again. Now, time for the real reason I made this darn thing to begin with." The crew was about to ask what he meant by that when the lights were killed.






"Ok everyone stay calm, wait. Where's E-"


   The lights kicked back on and everyone let out a horrified gasp. "TARI!" Tari was now strapped to the table where the apple tree once was, with E.Gadd preparing the machine for another blast.

"E.Gadd.... WHAT IN THE DEVIL'S NAME ARE YOU DOING?!" Gavin yelled, flames urupting from his arms.

"Why, its called 'experimenting' my dear boy. Maybe after this I could try to figure out how Xari works too... Hmmm." That last comment did it for Gavin. He brought out his demon claws and lunged forwards, only to hit an invisible wall.

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