Me and the bois at 2 AM looking for BEANS?!

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        SMG4 GAVIN POV:

Well, its official, we fucked. I knew that where ever we were, it wasn't going to be easy getting home. When we hit the ground most of us passed out, with me and Xari being the only ones to stay awake to plan our next move. We REALLY wanted to go and find E.Gadd first, but that wasn't going to happen until we could ACTUALLY go home. So, we decided to try and find a way home first. Eventually the others, except Tari, woke up and we explained the plan to them. SMG4 seemed to like the plan while Mario just wanted spaghetti.... As usual. Tari however, seemed like she wasn't doing too well. She was still knocked out and didn't look like she was getting better.

"Damn E.Gadd. How could he do something like this. When I get my hands on him I WI-"

"SMG4, we all feel the same way. But right now we should figure out where we are before we go and kill that old hag of a scientist." I interrupted SMG4, who just looked at me with sadness.

"...Fine." SMG4 turned his attention back to Tari who was laid onto a wall next to us. I felt very bad for him. He and Tari had only just made their relationship official just a few weeks ago, so seeing her like this must be very upsetting. Xari placed a hand onto my shoulder.

  "We should go over the plan now, right?" Xari's robotic voice said, making me smile again.

       "Ah, right. Ok, so me and Xari are going to go around this place and see if we can't find any where important. Meanwhile SMG4 and Mario will stay here and look over Tari and Mario's already gone isn't he?" He turned back to where Mario once was and. Yep. He was gone.


     Mario got bored so he left a while ago. The people here gave him a weird glance, though to Mario it felt like he was famous or something. Pretty soon he was doing the Spider-Man 3 dance scene all around the place, freaking people out.


    I groaned as I headed out into the streets in search of the retard that was Mario. Knowing him, all I would have to do is find anything that is destroyed and find him there. Xari had decided to stay behind and help SMG4 since a certain fat plumber wasn't doing that so I was basically on my own. Xari stayed in tact with me through my phone though, so I could still talk to them. The people around me reminded me a little bit of Saiko, that being they were extremely tall. And since I was extremely short to them I felt very much out of place. The buildings around me were taller than most sky scrapers in the Mushroom Kingdom, and it looked so futuristic. Like a movie about time travel or something... Wait, had we time traveled? I still had so many questions. I leaned on a guardrail and stared off into the distance. This place seemed so big, how in the world we're we meant to find a way home, let alone E.Gadd! 

I found myself wandering into a store with a few people in there. They didn't mind me so I simply looked around. It had a few video games on the shelf and also what appeared to be powdered food. I was disguisted by the idea of that so I turned my gaze to a few holographic pictures floating around. It was simple advertisment as well as a wanted sign.

'WARNING- If you see these individuals please report to local authorities emmidiently.' I showed a picture of some weird people, one that was an engineer looking girl, a black man with a weird looking hat, and a small child looking guy. The first 2 guys both had Tari's meta arm, which I found weird... But then I noticed one other person there. "Tari?" I mumbled to myself, looking at the wanted girl again. It did indeed look just like Tari, though with a few differences. They had cyan hair as opposed to Tari's regular blue hair, and their eyes were purple instead of blue to. But the resemblance was uncanny to say the least. I left the store hearing a robotic voice asking me why I didn't buy anything. I was about to call Xari when I heard a small crashing sound. I turn to see that a car, which was floating, had crashed into something. (Ah shit, here we go again.) I walked over and of coarse HE was laying on the ground. Mario's head had detatched from his body which people were screaming over, but mearly groaned at it. "Maio, come on you're making a scene." I almost yelled at him. His body got up and snapped his head back on.

"Ah, but a-Mario's just a-having fun!" Mario pouted.

    "Ugh, I'll give you some spaghetti if you come back." I bargained, and he accepted.

  "OOOOOooooo. Mario's PINGAS just got a little harder.".......

    We got back to the others with little trouble as Zari had finally finished her scanning of Tari. She told us that Tari had a slight concusion but it was nothing fatal, and she should be able to get up pretty soon. This made SMG4 happy, though, now that that was out of the way... We had some work to do.


   I felt horrible, like every part of me wanted to blow up or something. (Oh man, what happened?) There was this horrible ringing in my ears as I tried to sit up, only for someone to hold me down. I recognized the hands as SMG4 as he pulled me into a hug. I returned it the best I could but I nearly fainted. I heard him try to speak to me but the ringing was getting in the way of it. So I tried to open my eyes; I catch a small glimpse of where in the world we were and why it felt so cold, but it was only for a split second as my vision became dark once again.

The next time I had woke up it must've been only a few minutes as the others were still where they were when I last saw them. Though the ringing had died down I still couldn't properly understand them to well.

"Plan....Ho....Ow......Y?......Eghtti!......RIO!....." It all felt uncomplete to me. I just wanted to go home to where we could all just lay down, snuggle up in some cozy blankets and just sleep this horrible day away... But that wasn't going to happen, but I knew that I must keep hope. Its not like we're wanted criminals.... Right?

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