The pond

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 What?" "Nothing I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that....anyway I-I'll see you tomorrow"He kissed my cheek and said"Bye" "Bye"

while I was going up stairs all I could think about was what he said"What if we weren't together?" " what does he mean by that?Does he want to break up with me?"I walked into the room Shiro was waiting there anxiously"Your back!" "Yup" "So what happened?" "Nothing we just talked" "Oh so do you want to continue?" "Um no I just want to lay down"I climbed up the ladder he came up and hugged me from behind"Can you please tell me what happened?"

"Well you see I went outside and he asked"What exactly happened to you and Shiro today?"so I asked him what he was talking about and he asked  why  I sat on your lap then I told him it was because the seat was wet then he said it kinda seems like you and me are more than just friends and I said that it's nothing like that and that me and him were already together then he said"What if we weren't together?"and I said"What?"and he said"Nothing I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that"then he said bye and left"

" can I take you somewhere?" "Right now?" "Yeah I felt bad because you wanted to go on a date but we couldn't" "Ok but where will we go?" "I don't know where do you want to go?" "I know where we'll need extra cloths our phones and blanket and the second most important thing" "And what is that?" "Snacks!" "You're so cute" "Heh thanks now lets go!" "Wait what was the first most important thing?" "You being there too"He smiled and hugged me"I love you so much Lacey" "I love you more"

we packed a bag and he went to the car"What are you doing?" "Aren't we driving there?" "No it's right behind our house" "Oh"we walked though his backyard and to the back"W-were going in there?" "Yeah why are you scared of the dark" "N-no I'm scared of what could be in the dark" "Oh it's ok I've came back here before in the night""What when?" "I'll tell you when if you tell me why you felt bad that day that I slept in your bed" 

"Um I-I took your blanket so you would sleep in my room" "Why?" "I wanted to get to know you better" "Ok normal guys just ask us questions but you make me sleep in your room"I started laughing"I-It's not funny and you should know by now that I'm not normal"

"I know that's why I love you so much your so unique I've never met anyone like you and probably never will"He smiled and held my hand"So when did you come out here?" "I'll tell you the story on the way" "Ok" "So you know that night we almost had sex?" "Ugh don't remind me" "Well I woke up in the middle of the night and found-"I pushed back some branches "This"

It was a pond the most beautiful pond ever it was filled with sunflowers all over the place I looked over at him he looked shocked"I-I didn't even know this was back here and I've lived here for about three years"

"Who cares let's just jump in"He picked me up but before we jumped in I told him"We don't tell anyone about this alright?"he nodded and quickly put me down to take off his shirt I quickly took off mine along with my pants we jumped in and swam around then he picked me up and said"plug your nose and close your eyes"I plugged my nose but didn't close my eyes he threw me into the air it was amazing I felt like I was flying I made into the water and came back up I swam over to him and hugged him

"Do you want to see my favorite part of this place?" "Sure"I grabbed his hand and we got out the water I took him to a tree it had a thick branch that you could sit on and when you did you had the whole view of the pond I climbed it but he didn't"What's  wrong?" "I-I can't climb trees I don't know how too" "Come on I'll help you"I helped him up and we sat down a smirk made it to my face"What?" "We can come here when we want to be alone"he leaned in and we kissed but he fell off

"Oh my god baby are you okay?" "Yup just landed on my ass"I jumped down and landed on my feet all Shiro asked was"How?" "Well when you climb trees for-"I started counting with my fingers"About thirteen years you learn a thing or two like how to land on your feet" "Well I've only climbed a tree once I ended up falling and breaking my arm so I had to go to the hospital" "What is it with you and Ava always ending up in the hospital" 

My  boyfriend's best friendWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt