Ashton Ashton Ashton!

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We made it to his house"Remember if he tries anything just text the word Ashton to me alright?"I nodded he started the car again and I got out he drove off and I went to go knock on the door but before Jackson could answer Shiro drove back and quickly got out the car"What's wr-"before I could finish he kissed me"I love you" I smiled and said"I love you too"he walked to his car a waved I waved back

"Was that your boyfriend or something?"I turned to see Jackson"No my friend"he raised an eye brow at me"With benefits" "So y'all aren't actually dating?" "No but we are in love" "That's.......complicated" "Yup"we walked inside "so you live alone?" "Yup" "Why?" "I don't know I was just tired of my parents" "Oh" "What about you and pretty boy" "I live with him and his sister" "Why?" "Also my parents" 

"Oh.....come sit why are you just standing there"I sat down next to him he turned on the TV and we watched a movie then I felt my phone vibrate "Wow is it hot in here or is it just me?I need to go cool off in the restroom" "Wait"He grabbed my hand and sat me back down he leaned in and kissed me"  "Jackson why did you do that?"

 "I still like you Lacey I've missed you so much I want you to be with me again" "What no!"I ran over to the wall and quickly texted Shiro"Ashton Ashton Ashton!"Then Jackson came over and took the phone from my hands he put his hands on the side of my neck"Don't even try to fucking scream because nobody will be able to hear you bitch" 

"So your trying to fuck her against her will and she's the bitch?" I looked behind Jackson to see Shiro"Your not her boyfriend"Shiro walked over and punched Jackson in the face"I'm her friend with benefits bitch!" they started fighting I quickly grabbed a lamp and smashed it over his head Shiro's eyes widened as he fell on the ground"He'll be fine come on"I grabbed his hand and we left I saw Shiro looking at me"What?" 

"Now that was badass the way you just grabbed the lamp and smashed it over his head" "So that kind of stuff turns you on?" "No the stuff you do turns me on"I blushed and we made it back home"How did you do that so casually?" "Well honestly I'm  tired of boys trying to do something to me if it's not you doing it I'm not gonna enjoy it and don't want to do it" "Hm okay" "Why'd you go"Hm"?" "I was just curious" "About what?" "Nothing" "No tell me please" "alright fine.....did Lex ever try to......y'know  touch you?" "Um no?" 

"oh ok...........have you ever been on a four wheeler?" "Hmmm yeah once why?" "want to ride mine with me?" "You have one? "Yeah" "why didn't you tell me?" "I honestly just remembered I had one" "oh well let's go!"we went to the garage"So that's what you kept in here" "Yup...Keys?" I passed him the keys and he started it"Hop on"I got on the back and wrapped my arms around his stomach"what about helmets?" "Oh right"he got up and grabbed helmets he put one on me then he put the other one on"Ready?"I nodded he started to go and in a few seconds we were on the road

"WATCH OUT!"we hit a curb and ended up falling off"oh my god are you okay!?" "Yup are you?" "Ye-WHAT THE HELL YOUR ARM!" "It's just a scratch that's the worst pain I've ever felt" "WE HAVE TO TAKE YOU TO THE HOSPITAL!"I called 911"911 what's your emergency?" "I think my boyfriend broke his arm!" "Ok calm down ma'am well send an ambulance" "Ok thank you!" "When did I become your boyfriend?" "you didn't but that was way easier to say then I think my friend with benefits broke his arm" "Oh" "Just hold on okay?" "Okay" 

When the ambulance came we got in and went to the hospital they checked his arm and put a cast on it"Ok sir your arm will take six to eight weeks to heal" "Ok thank you" "Why are you crying still?" "I hate seeing you get hurt" "You know what would make me feel better?" "What?"he smirked

"I'm not giving you a lap dance at least not while your arm is still broken" "Who said anything about a lap dance?"I looked at him confused"Ohhhhhh"I leaned in and kissed him"I feel better already"He wiped my tears with his other hand"I love you"He smiled and said"I love you more"After they let him out and I drove us home I helped Shiro out the car

"My arm is broken not my leg" "I'm still gonna help you"I opened the door and we went inside he sat down on the couch"Can I get you anything?"he shook his head side to side"Is there anything I can do for you?" "Sit on my lap" "You sure?" "Yeah just be careful"

I sat down on his lap and he started bouncing his leg"S-stop" "You know you love it"I looked to the side then my phone started ringing"Hello?" "Are you jumping or something?" "No why?" "It sounds like your going up and down so if your not jumping then what are you doing?" "Ummm I'm not answering that" "Alright fine anyway how was your day going so far?" 

"Well I went to a friends house he almost fucked me against my will,I smashed a lamp over his head,I rode a four wheeler with Shiro,and he ended up breaking his arm"  "WHAT IS HE OKAY?" "he's fine Alison "Oh ok" So did you get that Lex conflict solved?" "Yeah sort of" "What did Ava say?" "oh um that if it ever happens again she'll kill us" "Hmm are y'all talking still?" "Yeah...well I have to go bye" "Bye" "Lex conflict?" "Yeah something happened with Alison and Lex and now it's solved" "Oh"

he continued bouncing his leg up and down then I heard his stomach growl"Hungry?"He nodded I grabbed his face and said"What do you want?" "Hmmmm some rice would be nice" "Damn it that's the hardest to master ugh I bet he knows how to cook it perfectly...........I'll try my best"I thought"Alright I'll try my best" I made the rice and once I was done I grabbed two bowls I grabbed a small little table and put it in front of him then I grabbed two glasses of water"Need me to feed you?" I said in a joking way"Maybe"he put some on the food and ate some his eyes widened"What?did I do a bad job?" "No this is the best rice I've ever had" "Really?" "Yeah try it yourself"I tried some and it was really good"Damn did I really make this?" once we were done I asked him

"Do you care about that shirt?" "Hmm I have another one just like it so I guess not why?"I got up and went to go grab some scissors I came back and said"Since you can't left up an arm I'll use these scissors instead" "H-Huh?"I grabbed his shirt"What's wrong you said you didn't like this shirt"I cut the entire shirt off and started to rub his chest"L-lacey"I leaned into his ear and said "I want you to scream my name"He blushed "I-I can't do anything with you because of my arm Lacey" "We don't have to do least not until your arm heals"I leaned in and kissed him I wasn't paying attention to where my hand was going and I spilt water all over myself"Damn it stay here I'm gonna go get a shirt"

Shiro's P.O.V:She went up the stairs after a few minutes she came back with one of my shirts on"You look cute"she came over and kissed my cheek "Thanks"then we heard a knock at the door I  got up and answered it then Lacey came over and wrapped her arms around my waist "Who is it?"she  looked if front of me to see it was Jackson"What the hell do you want?" "What the hell happened to him and  are y'all fucking?"

 "I broke my arm sherlock"and I didn't even try to explain that we weren't doing anything because as this point I don't think anyone will believe us"I'd like to know why the hell your little girlfriend here smashed a lamp over my head" "Because she can"Then I slammed the door and locked it"So not only did you tell him we weren't fucking but you also didn't tell him I wasn't your girlfriend?" "You called me your boyfriend while you were on the phone" "Ok good point" "Thanks so where were we?"  

Lacey's P.O.V:He kissed me again I carefully turned him around then carefully sat him on the couch"I love you Lacey" "I love you more Shiro"

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