Chapter Seventeen

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Tamaki and Grace 10 years later

Grace and Tamaki were married and had three kids.

They had two boys and a girl.

The girl’s name is Shai (4), her family calls her Shi (She). She is the youngest and has purple hair pulled into two tiny pigtails, and big blue eyes. To the people that know her she is energetic and loves the outdoors. To people she didn’t know well she’s shy but warms up to them fast. Her quirk is changing an object's appearance by touching it.
Their middle child’s name is Kanashi (7), he has brown wavy hair and pale green eyes. He doesn’t talk much and often hides behind Tamaki’s leg. He also wants to be a professional circle painter when he grows up. His power is to turn invisible on will (go to the spirit world). 

The oldest’s name is Yami(9), he has dark purple hair that hangs in front of his eyes, along with indigo (almost black) eyes. He is reckless and the troublemaker in the family, but has a sweet spot when it comes to his siblings. He can eat anything (doesn’t need to be edible) and create more of it. 

 Sometimes instead of watching TV, the family would line up and stare at the wall together.

They lived as a happy family. Tamaki was a Pro hero and Grace was a barista at the coffee shop she owned. 

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