Scp OC#3

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SCP Name: The Ultra battleship
Object class: Keter
Name: Mistral
Ship: Mistral class Ultra battleship
Country: New Vale Republic
Gender: Female
sexuality: Bisexual
Personality:Cold, emotionless, calculating, tactical, silent

SCP#-6048SCP Name: The Ultra battleshipObject class: KeterName: Mistral Ship: Mistral class Ultra battleshipCountry: New Vale RepublicGender: Femalesexuality: BisexualPersonality:Cold, emotionless, calculating, tactical, silentAppearance:

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And this is her rigging.

(I know this is Fredrich Der Grosses but she has the only rigging that would work with what Mistral has)Ship form:

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(I know this is Fredrich Der Grosses but she has the only rigging that would work with what Mistral has)
Ship form:

Armaments: 2x3 18" Mark 3 guns (the turrets are the same design as the Iowa's), 2x3 15" Mark 4 guns, 2x3 12" Mark 5 guns (theses will be placed on the Mistral's shoulder with the required rigging), and a lot of dual purpose guns

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Armaments: 2x3 18" Mark 3 guns (the turrets are the same design as the Iowa's), 2x3 15" Mark 4 guns, 2x3 12" Mark 5 guns (theses will be placed on the Mistral's shoulder with the required rigging), and a lot of dual purpose guns.

Likes: Her siblings, helping the commander, helping the destroyers, reading, singing, making food, writing, drawing
Containment procedures: SCP-6048 is allowed to roam the facility and is to have a room that is similar to that of a admiral office of the German Empire, she is however, not to be aggravated as she has the ability to cause site-wide containment breaches and is nearly impossible to subdue.
Anomalous Properties: SCP-6048 is able to materialize a sort of 'rigging' similar to SCP-3049 but way larger and with the firepower that of a battleship. SCP-6048's rigging has a form of sentience and has therefore marked as SCP-6048-1 and SCP-6049-2, SCP-6048 also has the ability to release an strange aura that, depending on her mood, will cause specific individuals to see images supposedly from SCP-6048's Earth, these images range from destruction of the city of San Francisco to a different version of SCP-6048, supposedly from before her augmentation with 'Siren' technology.

Addendum 6048-1:
Interviewed: SCP-6048
Interviewer: Dr Ashley Rose


Dr Rose: Good morning SCP-604-
Mistral: I have a Name Human and it's Mistral.
Dr Rose: [Clears throat] sorry, Mistral, I'm Dr Rose with the foundation, I'm here to ask you a few questions if you don't mind.
Mistral: [Silent]
Dr Rose: [Sighs] Alright, first question, where are you from and what's your purpose?
Mistral: [Silent]
Dr Rose: SCP-6048, answer the question please.
Mistral: [growls] Fine, I was built in the shipyards of the New Vale Republic, Me and my sisters were supposed to be the pride of our nation, the only Warships in the world to be given the Ultra classification due to our large displacement and powerful armaments, but that didn't stop me and my 2 younger sisters from being scrapped after we outlived our usefulness, while my youngest sister continued serving, until the Sirens came and sunk her, and until we returned as Shipgirls, answering the pleads of help from our country.
Dr Rose: I'm sorry, New Vale Republic? Sirens? We've never heard of either.
Mistral: Of course you haven't, cause the NVR doesn't exist in this world, and the sirens, you'll learn about them very soon
Dr Rose: Is that a threat?
Mistral: [Silent]
Dr Rose: I'll ask you again, was.that.a threat?
Mistral: You'll find out soon.
Dr Rose: I don't have time to play your games SCP-6048!
Mistral: [Stands up quickly sending her chair flying into the wall] I SAID TO CALL ME MISTRAL YOU WORTHLESS HUMAN!
Dr Rose: [Presses Panic button] Guards get in h-
Mistral: [Summons her rigging and an audible roar could be heard as guards enter the room to attempt to pacify SCP-6048 and its instances but are unsuccessful as screams could be heard]


Addendum 6048-2: After the incident and containment breach of SCP-6048, for now on any researchers who want to interview SCP-6048 must have SCP-4059 with them as SCP-4059 has been found to be able to pacify SCP-6048, and SCP-6048 is no longer allowed to roam the facility freely.

Addendum 6048-3: During a interview with SCP-6048, SCP-6048 revealed to the interviewing researcher a blue glowing cube, that she called a 'Wisdom Cube' but is classified as SCP-6048-3, SCP-6048 stated that the 'Wisdom Cube' was the source of all Shipgirls and is the catalyst to create said shipgirls, but SCP-6048 refused to give the interviewing researcher the 'Wisdom Cube' saying "You aren't capable of understanding its true power" when asked to elaborate, SCP-6048 put away SCP-6048-3 and refused to answer anymore questions.

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