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SCP#: 10953
SCP Name: Verdonsk The Ultra BattleCarrier Princess of the Abyssal
Object class: Thaumiel/Keter
Sexuality: Bisexual
Gender: Female
Personality: Verdonsk has been described as being kind, understanding, sorta motherly, funny, determined

SCP#: 10953SCP Name: Verdonsk The Ultra BattleCarrier Princess of the AbyssalObject class: Thaumiel/KeterSexuality: BisexualGender: FemalePersonality: Verdonsk has been described as being kind, understanding, sorta motherly, funny, determinedAppea...

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Armaments/equipment: (all of these armaments are abyssalized)
12 x 406mm/52 Dreh C/34 on a Drh LC/34 Mount
12 x 5.9" (150mm) /55 SK C/28 guns
6 x 20mm Phalanx CIWS
4 x 76mm OTO-Breda Dual-Purpose Naval Gun
6 x RIM-162 Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile (ESSM) medium-range anti-aircraft missile launchers.
6 x RIM-116 RAM (Rolling Airframe Missile) short-range anti-aircraft missile launchers.
20 x Yakovlev Yak-38 (Forger) Carrier-Borne VTOL Strike Fighter / Fleet Defense Aircraft
12 x Mikoyan MiG-29K (Fulcrum-D) Carrier-Based Multi-Role Fighter
8 x Boeing EA-18G Growler Carrierborne Electronic Warfare Aircraft (EWA)
10 x F/A-18 Hornet Multirole Carrier-based Strike Fighter Aircraft
2 x E-2D Hawkeye Navy Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircraft (AEWC).
Likes: fighting, training, reading, drawing, someplace quiet, helping protect humanity
Dislikes: having her reading disturbed, traitors, cowards, being betrayed, being forced to do things she believes is harmful to humanity.
Containment procedures: SCP-10953 is allowed to roam the facility and is to have a room that is similar to that of a Admiral's office at Yokosuka Naval Base in Japan, she is however, not to be aggravated as she has the ability to cause site-wide containment breaches and is nearly impossible to subdue.
Anomalous Properties: SCP-10953 is able to materialize a sort of 'rigging' similar to SCP-3049 but way larger and with the firepower that of a battleship/aircraft carrier, SCP-10953 also has the ability to 'summon' a sort of portal that leads to an alternate Earth, where humanity is at war with her species, but only smalls items such as food, ammunition for her equipment and news about how the war was going.

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