Kantai Collection/Azur Lane OC#4

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Name: Mistral
Ship: Mistral class super battleship
Country: New Vale Republic
Gender: Female
sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: Calm, caring, motherly, protective of the destroyers, intelligent
Appearance: She has long white hair that does down to her lower back, cyan eyes, beautiful curves (which means she's THICC due to her armor), 6'8, wears a white long sleeve shirt with gold trimming, a black admiral's jacket with red trimming, she wears a white skirt that goes down to her knees which she wears shorts underneath her skirt, she wears a pair of boots, and she,her sister and brother have white fox ears and white kitsune tails.she has a robotic left arm that she keeps covered with the sleeves of her shirt and jacket. And this is her rigging.

(I know this is Fredrich Der Grosses but she has the only rigging that would work with what Mistral has)

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(I know this is Fredrich Der Grosses but she has the only rigging that would work with what Mistral has)

[Before Retrofit]
2x3 18" Mark 3 guns (the turrets are the same design as the Iowa's), 2x3 15" Mark 4 guns, 2x3 12" Mark 5 guns (theses will be placed on the Mistral's shoulder with the required rigging), and a lot of dual purpose guns.
[After Retrofit]
2x3 18" Mark 3 Guns (The turrets are the same design as the Iowa's), 2x3 15" Mark 4 guns, 2x3 12" Mark 5 guns, 32 x BGM-109 Tomahawk cruise missiles, 16 x RGM-84 Harpoon anti-ship missiles, 13 20mm Dragon CIWS (imagine the Goalkeeper CIWS and these along with the launchers for the cruise missiles and anti-ship missiles will be on the super structure of Mistral's rigging)

Likes: Her siblings, helping the commander/Admiral, helping the destroyers, reading, singing, making food

dislikes: Sirens/Abyssal, seeing her siblings or others getting hurt, having a perverted Commander/Admiral, being  reminded of the battle that caused her left arm to be replaced by a robotic one.

others: Mistral has a sister and a brother and their names are Summer and Qrow. She has a robotic left arm

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