Kancolle OC#2

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Name: Ava Alexeev
Class: Modern battleship/Guided Missile Cruiser Hybrid
Country: United States of America and Russian Federation
Appearance: short blonde hair with red white and blue highlights in the pattern of the Russian Federation flag and the US flag, 6'2, dark skin, left eye is red and right eye is blue, Athletic body type, large breasts, wears a combination of the Modern US and Russian Federation Navy captain uniform
Kansumu: Shipgirl
Personality: determined, Caring, tactical, intelligent, funny, patriotic
Likes: The Russian Federation, the United States of America, singing, dancing, drinking vodka, eating cheeseburgers, drawing
Dislikes: being called names, watching those who she considers a friend die infront of her, being treated like cr*p
Armaments/equipment:9 x 16" Mark 7 main guns
20 x 5" Mark 12 guns
2 x 8-cell P-500 Bazalt (SS-N-12) Anti-Ship Missiles.
8 x 8-cell S-300F Fort (SA-N-6 "Grumble") Surface-to-Air Missiles (SAMs).
2 x 20-cell OSA-M (SA-N-4 "Gecko) Surface-to-Air Missiles (SAMs).
2 x 130mm AK-130 deck guns in single twin-gunned turret.
6 x AK-630 Close-In Weapon Systems (CIWSs).
2 x 12 RBU-6000 Anti-Submarine mortars.
Others: Ava Alexeev was a proposed modern battleship/Guided Missile Cruiser Hybrid between the United States and the Russian Federation But wasn't actually ever built and was sent to the place where proposed ships went to basically fight for the rest of eternity, but when the Abyssal attacked Russia managed to summon her and gave her the chance to prove herself and she did, when the coalition between every major world powers, Russia sent Ava to be one of the representatives of the Russian Federation.

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