Arknights OC#2

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[Opening Operator File]
[Please input password]
[Password: Ace of Razgriz]
[Standby......password accepted]
[Basic Operator Info]
[Code Name] Trigger
[Gender] Female
[Combat Experience] 4 Years
[Place of Birth] Unknown
[Date of Birth] Unknown
[Race] Ursus (Formally, unknown at this time)
[Height] 174com
[Infection Status] Non-Infected as confirmed by medical reports
[Operator Physical Exam]
[Physical Strength] Excellent
[Mobility] Excellent
[Physical Resilience] Excellent
[Tactical Acumen] Outstanding
[Combat Skill] Outstanding
[Originium Arts Assimilation]  Excellent
[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 0%
[Blood Originium-crystal density] 0.00 u/L
Additional note from head of Rhodes Island Medical Department, Dr Kal'tsit- Something isn't right about Operator Trigger as she acts very strange when asked about the metal constructs on her body, she's been heard crying in her room, something about an experiment being done to her but when questioned she refuses to answer.

[Additional Operator Info]

[Personality] Operator Trigger has been described as being cheery, calm, smart and motherly, but that's outside of operations as during operations her personality changes completely to being cold, emotionless and calculating.

[Class] Specialist, Sniper, Ranged[Affiliation before joining Rhodes Island] 'Project Ace' Ursus Government

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[Class] Specialist, Sniper, Ranged
[Affiliation before joining Rhodes Island] 'Project Ace' Ursus Government.
[Additional Info] Operator Trigger is well trained in flying any form of aircraft be it a attack helicopter or a bomber, she can fly them with the same skill level as a Ace, she also tends to play Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown during her free time. She's also able to materialize a sort of Electromagnetic Launcher or commonly known as a 'Railgun' and uses it with deadly precision.

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