important news

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hello people. so sorry for just disappearing even though I said I will be updating soon... a lot of stuff happened and I didn't have time. im going to lay it out for you. I am currently rewriting this story because I just went through this story and found MANY errors in this. the writing was also ver bad. I am re writing this story and I am going to be more true to the canon Percy Jackson. I will be releasing the new first chapter...... im gonna say by this weekend but I am going to try to do it by tonight since I have good motivation rn.. although I am warning you that I will disappear again soon so don't expect me to come back until 25th of may since I have my boards coming up and I can't fuck these up. I hope you understand but do know that after 25th may I will be uploading lots of new chapters since I will not have to worry about school anymore! I am very grateful to have such a patient audience and im very sorry for not keeping my promises but I promise you that the new versions of the chapters will be worth the wait. 

the reason I want to change this story is because there is just no structure, I was writing this story just as ideas were coming up but now im organising myself properly so the writing will be a lot better. 

thank you and have a nice day!

your friendly Indian demigod!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2021 ⏰

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