chapter 2

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As the rest of the day progressed, I kept replaying my encounter with Cedric in my head. It hurt how perfect he was; the way his hair was styled without a piece out of place, how his smile was so bright his teeth looked like diamonds. I struggled to stop fantasizing about him... after all he was a sixth year and probably didn't want anything to do with me. Who was I kidding, I shouldn't want anything to do with him either. He was a notorious 'fuck-boy' and somehow got away with it unscathed. Cedric flashed his smile and batted his eyes and all the girls melted; I promised myself I wouldn't be one of those girls.

After classes ended I walked back towards the Hufflepuff common room, deciding I'd change before dinner and attempt to get some studying in with Penelope in the library. I felt a sudden tug on my arm and turned around to see Pen, Ollie and Pierson; Pen flaunting an angry glare. "You said we would meet before Potions, where were you?" She questioned, "you made me late waiting!"

"Oh my god I totally forgot Pen, sorry!" I squealed. I was too busy thinking of a specific pretty boy to remember anything.

"It's fine, Ollie walked me anyways," she said flirtatiously, smiling up at Ollie. I should've known her crush would rekindle just in time for schools start and, even worse, the fall homecoming masquerade. How convenient...

"Want to go study after dinner in the library? I'll tutor you in D.A.D.A. to make it up to you," I said smiling. Penelope was probably the best student in the whole school (well, aside from Brooks) —she would find my tutoring useless.

"No but I'll take your Potions notes from today," she giggled. We waltzed back into the common room and waved goodbye to the boys, heading towards the girls dormitories. Last year, Pen was my roommate. This year we each got assigned our own room and I deeply miss sharing our living quarters already.

I opened up my wardrobe to a collared white shirt and a light grey crew neck sweatshirt were folded in a pile, a pair of sneakers and a hair tie laid to the right of them. I kept on my skirt from the school day and slipped into my casual outfit, tying my hair up into a messy bun. Grabbing my Potions notebook I left my room, stoping to get Pen from her dorm on our way to the dining hall.

Lilahs casual after-school Outfit:

"So, do you think Ollie will ask me to the Homecoming Masquerade?" Penelope asked me nervously as we walked through the bustling common room

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"So, do you think Ollie will ask me to the Homecoming Masquerade?" Penelope asked me nervously as we walked through the bustling common room.

"I hope so. I can ask Pierson who Ollie is thinking of inviting before dinner," I replied.

"Oh my god tell me what he says, okay?"

"Yea, of course," I smiled as we made our way through the common room.


Pierson was already at the table when we arrived for dinner. Penelope went over to talk with Ron about the D.A.D.A homework he'd asked her for help on, obviously too nervous to ask Hermione again, so I went ahead and sat down.

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