chapter 10

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authors note: some spice warning!! this chapter contains mature content...


Cedric led me in the opposite way of the girls dormitories and towards the boys hall. We scurried down the dark hallway all the way to towards the room at the very back labeled "prefect" where I'd slept just the night before. The size of Cedric's dorm shocks me every time; it's triple the size of any other shared dorm I'd ever seen with a full sized bed, a walk in shower and an attached closet.

When we entered Cedric grabbed me some more of his clothes to wear —it was becoming habitual at this point. He started to walk towards the bathroom to give me some privacy, but without consciously doing so I grabbed his arm to stop him.

"You can stay," I gulped.

Cedric turned his head towards mine with a raise of his eyebrow, asking you sure? I nodded and began to undress myself as Cedric strutted back to his bed and waited, watching.

I slipped off my sneakers and took my down, shaking it a bit and exchanging a seductive glare with Cedric as I did so. I turned around to face away from him, pulling my hair over my shoulder and into the front.

"Can you unbutton my sweater?" I asked. Cedric didn't hesitate, walking over and flipping the rest of my hair that I missed onto my front side so that my back was bare. He slowly unclasped each small button as I grew closer and closer towards being undressed. When he finished, the sweater dropped quickly to the floor and I turned around to face Cedric.

A wanting, or maybe more of a needing urge cause Cedric to grab onto my shoulders and push me onto his bed —I was now laying directly under him. His lips became passionately connected with mine as I worked myself to remove his clothing. He began to unbutton my jeans and I lifted my hips up to help him slide them off, unintentionally thrusting into him.

I tugged on his beige crew neck and he immediately knew what I wanted. Lifting up slightly from our kiss, Cedric used one hand to tear the sweatshirt over his head and then bent back down to resume our kiss. As his mouth intertwined with mine the fire burned. We pushed ourselves into each other, deepening the kiss as much as psychically possible. I reached for Cedric's button-down collared shirt and began undoing it myself until his chest was bare and his toned stomach met my own. As our skin made contact, the fire spread. We'd never been so close before as we were now, so bare. I deepened our kiss again, letting Cedric's tongue slip inside as his hands trailed down my torso, caressing every nick and crevice as they made their way towards my center.

His hands traveled from the straps of my lacy bra, down my bare stomach, to my hips, and then lower. Cedric traced his fingers along the line of my matching underwear and my second heartbeat raced in suspense. He pulled away and looked towards me, raising one eyebrow and asking for permission. I immediately nodded and he pulled down my underwear aggressively.

He didn't hesitate. Cedric took two fingers and began, gently rubbing them back and forth and I let an groan slip from my lips. My hips thrusted into the air as Cedric continued his gentle, yet lustful touching right where I needed it to be. The burning was there, too, making what was already pleasurable a dream. I'd never come undone for someone so quickly when I felt my self nearing so for Cedric. He noticed as my hips lunged into the air, and pulled his fingers away, leaving me panting and unsatisfied.

I gave him a brief glare, "Finish what you started, Cedric," I moaned into my words, "please."

"If you insist," he smirked, and for the first time he pumped his fingers inside of causing me to shriek as the fire ignited. Cedric continued to pulse in and out of my heat, pushing me closer and closer towards the end.

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