chapter 3

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When I rolled out of bed the following day Penelope was waiting by my door.

"L, we're going to be late if we don't leave now, are you ready?" Her raised voice slightly muffled through the wooden door frame.

"Uh.. I'm coming!" I assured her as I threw on the first outfit I could think of from my wardrobe and rushed to get my books together. I opened the door to see an annoyed Penelope and what would be a long walk to class. "Pen, I know I'm late but guess what," I smirked, hoping she would listen and drop her grudge towards me for running so late.

"What?" She sneered.

"Ollie is planning on asking you to the Homecoming Masquerade! Pierson told me last night," I exclaimed, nudging her shoulder. Penelope's expressed shifted completely upon processing the news.

"Really? Oh my god!" She nearly jumped she was so ecstatic, "What am I going to wear? I need you to come shopping with me in Hogsmeade..." she continued on her enthusiastic rant the entire time we walked to her D.A.D.A class.

After dropping Penelope off I made my way to Charms, nearly running down the corridor in hopes of making the bell. I arrived just barely in time with a growling stomach yelling at me for skipping breakfast. With a deep inhale, attempting to catch my breath, I sat down next to Pierson and got ready to take notes.

"So did you hear about the party in the Slytherin common room tonight?" Pierson whispered while classmates gestured for us to quiet down.

"No, I haven't talked to Brooks and he's usually the one that invites me to that stuff. Are you going?" I replied, also receiving nasty looks from students at surrounding tables.

"Yes and so are you, my whole team has to go and I'm sure as hell not showing up alone," Pierson laughed.

"Fine," I groaned, "pick me up at my dorm room at 8 then. And should I ask Penelope, too?"

"No, Ollie's probably going to ask her to the dance tonight and you don't want to interfere. You don't have to do everything together, you know," Pierson smiled and rolled his eyes.

"Of course I know that," I replied, sheepishly. I usually did do everything with Pen, though, and it would be weird to go to a party just Pierson and I.

Charms and then Potions flew by while I tried to distract myself from thinking of Cedric. I couldn't help but wonder who Cedric was bringing to the party, given he was on Pierson's team and must be attending. A foreign feeling brewed inside of me and I found myself once again shutting it out: jealousy.

I met Penelope for lunch and didn't bother mentioning the party, erring on the side of caution in case Pierson was right and I would be ruining Ollie's Homecoming proposal. I left the great hall early, deciding to leave Penelope with the boys and go back to my dorm to pick an outfit for the Slytherin party. On my way out I chose to check in on Charlotte at the Slytherin table.

"Hey Char," I smiled, hugging her from behind, "how's Slytherin treating you? Did Harper show you the ropes of how to be a snake?"

"Yes she did as a matter of fact," Charlotte rolled her eyes, "You're just mad you're not in the strongest and most ambitious house," she boasted, flipping her blonde hair over her shoulder. I was glad to see her surrounded by new friends and finally having fun outside of the four walls of our home in London. After another hug and a few words about classes, I headed back to my dorm.

The Hufflepuff common room was empty, probably because most students were at lunch. I picked out a fitted white silky top and a pair of blue jeans to wear to the party and traded out my books for my muggle studies notes.

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