chapter 8

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The house elves opened the forty foot high grand doors that led to the ballroom for Cedric and I to enter. The most beautiful music was playing as students in ballgowns and masks swarmed and completely covered the dance floor.

We walked down the grand staircase, our arms linked, as students and teachers admired at our attire. I spotted my brother, Tyler, dancing with what seemed like his own date? From what I could tell, it was Ollie's younger sister, Violet, who Tyler had not-so-secretly been in love with since his second year. I grinned at them and waved as Tyler turned away out of embarrassment.

Charlotte was spinning in circles with some other first years in the corner of the ballroom, looking beautiful and happy as ever.

(Play this song now to get the full experience) : Saturn by Sleeping At Last

As we reached the dance floor, Cedric dragged me into the center. I'd taken ballroom dancing classes all of my life, but now was the first time it all came into effect. As one of my favorite songs played, we swayed to the melody.

Cedric's hands gripped tightly at my waist as my arms wrapped around each of his shoulders. I found myself lost in the music and in the depth of Cedric's gaze; our eyes never broke contact whether he was picking me up or spinning me around when the chorus began.

The whole school danced in synchronization as the gentle melody washed away all of our worries; the only thing on my mind was this moment right now and the electric current that ricocheted inside of me.

It wasn't until this moment that I realized my feelings for Cedric. As we swayed, limbs intertwined, the room around us seemed to close in; nothing else mattered besides him and the wide grin across his handsome face. My guard was down and against all odds, I let him in.

Cedric spun me under his arm, meeting me with a laugh and a smile on the turn around.

"What?" I giggled. "Is my dancing so awful?"

"No, actually you dance beautifully. But who's surprised," he grinned, continuing to guide me in our dance. "Sometimes I think you don't realize how beautiful you are."

My heart fluttered at his compliment as Cedric unhinged his hand from my waist and brought it to my face, tucking back some of my hair and pulling up my mask onto my forehead. My cheeks gushed with heat.

Cedric laughed, "There. Now I can see you." I smiled at his kind words, though I knew they were just another one of his charming regimens he'd used before, they still made me gush.

I reached up and pulled his mask off in response. "There," I mimicked, "now I can see your face."

Cedric leaned down and kissed my forehead and heat brewed under my skin where his lips had made contact.

We spun and danced, his strong arms picking me up and lifting me into the air as the song peaked.

Cedric and I danced the night away under the candlelight, both wrapped in each other's warm embrace. My mind got easily lost in his grey-blue gaze several times throughout the evening.

Suddenly the music stopped playing and changed to an upbeat song.

(Play this song now to get the full effect: Feel So Close by Calvin Harris)

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