chapter 4

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I woke up with a pounding headache and no intention of getting out of bed. The light shown into my dorm and the sun felt blinding to my tired and sensitive eyes. It wasn't until I looked up to see the spinning room that I realized I was incredibly hungover.

I remembered almost nothing from the night before, the whole party scene was a blur. Reaching over to my nightstand by hand collided with a cool glass of water, an aspirin to its side; under the glass laid a note.

Drink this to cure your headache, love. Catch up later?

Oh my god. I totally forgot Cedric was here last night; suddenly a rush of memories from last nights events flooded back to me. We talked for a while, did he fall asleep here and leave in the morning? Did we do anything? My heart began to pound almost as aggressively as my head. I did not lose my virginity drunk. Not to CEDRIC. Cedric wouldn't do that. Right?

Stupid damn fire whiskey...

My brain was clogged with a billion thoughts, so I popped the aspirin into my mouth and chugged the water in hopes to relieve the tension between my temples and finally think straight. I decided to take a nice and long, hot shower to wake me up and hopefully rid me of my dreadful hangover. I found myself slightly relieved when I got out of the hot steam and looked in the mirror.

I absentmindedly searched my neck and chest for any hickies but didn't find one. Assuming nothing had happened between Cedric and I, I proceeded to get ready to head to Hogsmeade with Penelope, Pierson, and Ollie. I decided on a pair of wide legged blue jeans and a flowery shirt I'd seen in a catalog at home. I opened my wardrobe to find the items folded on the counter next to a small cream bag and a pair of fun sneakers. I let my hair dry naturally, did my makeup, and headed out the door.

Lilah's outfit:

The weather was beautiful; sunlight illuminated the Hufflepuff common room

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The weather was beautiful; sunlight illuminated the Hufflepuff common room. It was the perfect day for some shopping in Hogsmeade. I made my way to Penelope, who was wearing the cutest beige sweater with the skirt and shoes I'd given her for her birthday last spring. "You look adorable, Pen!" I said, giving her a hug.

Penelope's Outfit:

Penelope's Outfit:

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