chapter 11

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We dried off and dressed ourselves after a steamy start to the dat. Leaving Cedric's dorm, I set him free to see some friends before I occupied him for the whole afternoon; I had a few things to sort out for myself beforehand anyways. We agreed to meet at my dorm at 12:30.

I gave Penelope all the plans for the surprise party tonight that she had the responsibility of setting up in the Room of Requirement. Dropping off a few galleons to Pierson on the way to buy the fire whiskey from the Weasley twins, I scurried to the kitchens to pick up the basket I requested from one of the house elves yesterday.

"Dobby has your things ready, miss," his small shaking hand placed the basket into mine, "is there anything else Dobby can help with, Dobby wants to help miss."

"Thank you Dobby," I smiled, taking the basket, "I think I have the rest sorted out."

I dropped off the basket and set up at our desired location, dashing back to my dorm to change before noon.

I picked out the perfect outdoorsy outfit and added some gentle waves to my hair along with a light face of rushed makeup.

Lilah's Outfit:

I was ready when Cedric arrived in his khaki shorts and white button down paired with his usual messy hair and navy blue loafers at exactly 12:30

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I was ready when Cedric arrived in his khaki shorts and white button down paired with his usual messy hair and navy blue loafers at exactly 12:30.

"Well don't you look lovely," he smiled, kissing my forehead, "how could the day get any better than it's already been?"

"Just wait until you see what I have planned," I smirked, pulling Cedric down the hall into the common room and through the school. We were out in the woods before we knew it and Cedric grinned at the familiar path.

The same break in the tree line found us again as we shuffled through. In a small patch of grass amidst the beautiful rows of pink and white tulips was a white picnic blanket accompanied by a bottle of sparkling rosé and a basket of all of Cedric's favorite foods.

"This is incredible," he said, picking me up and carrying me to our little picnic.

We sat down and I opened the basket Dobby had prepared for me earlier for the first time, it smelled delicious and I took out dish after dish and laid them across the blanket.

We spent the afternoon indulging in chocolate-covered strawberries and sipping rosé champagne while the fairies danced around us.

After Cedric finished every crumb of the picnic food, I decided it was time. "I have something for you," I grinned, pulling a small box out of my purse. Cedric shook his head in disapproval.

"Lilah, you already know what I want, you didn't have to get me a gift," Cedric whined.

"Well I got you one anyways so open up," I handed him the delicately wrapped box and watched as he untied the ribbon and took off the lid.

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