~ w o r d s ~

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~ w o r d s ~

take all these words and drift away
into the hours when streetlights go dim
and the night slips under its blanket
overflowin' with little stars to the brim

you take these words while i fill them,
the buckets of blues and auric red skies
that twindle down the memory lane
like crumbling clouds and soft goodbyes

take these words, oh honey love of mine
and bury them deep in the soft crevice
of that collarbone that smiles upon me
as if I woke up to a sunrise in Venice

for these words sit amidst a grey silence
as forgiving as the curve of your lips,
oh as the sweet pancakes in your breath
and truths unfolded in fleeting sips

you take these words and gulp them all
like histories buried in ancient Rome
for words can often be spared to silence
and streets be left for a childhood home

~ • ~ • ~

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This is for a friend who often gets at a loss of words and leaves me at the edge of silence. She is not my childhood friend but I've found my childhood home in her and I guess that's enough for me to let go of the words and caress the silence with her.

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