~ f u l l s t o p ~

50 5 8

~ f u l l s t o p ~

if the world will end in a full stop,
what will happen to the all the clauses
and the tensil rhetorics spun out of bitterness,
the over-exaggerated synecdoches,
and much more subtle figures of speech?

you look over at the lilac-scented yards,
and the Notre Dame burns in the afternoon,
into the night and the next day for a silent lapse of time,
erasing all medieval aesthetics spun in ancient books,
so your children will read a different history
than those antedated narratives
which influenced your childhood

you look over and fashion a dream out of air,
filled with metaphors bypassing logic,
and tenors and vehicles as absurd
as the Coquecigrues that mean 'never',
and you keep smiling in the opaque clouds of smoke,
and in phrases and expressions that once were metaphors too

i lay pinned to an existential crisis,
that ends on figurative language
and birth of silences beyond all the prosaic vocabulary,
for the dramatic irony of this Shakespearean tragedy
will eat us alive
and burn the Notre Dame a little more
until it becomes a headline
and so do we, in the shadow of it

the nation is crying to such an extent
that its sentiments make me worry
for some ridiculous poet like me
might lapse into bathos like Pope did
and this dignified treatment of the commonplace
might throw me into the prisons of blasphemy

but i can't bear that, for your smile is intoxicated
and so are your metaphors and your use of elevated language
and the way you chew onto the clauses
with your eyes crying verses from love songs,
you make me forget the Notre Dame and its fire
and that the course of history is changing forever

and i smile back at you after a thousand years
because your clauses and metaphors
have silenced the blacks and whites and reds all over
and i might have forgotten for a fleeting second,
that language will fade away into wisps of absences,
and that the world will end in a fullstop
irrespective of the metaphors that you spin
and irrelevant to the poetry that i write in my sleep

~ • ~ • ~

~ 2 1 0 1 1 7

This might be the first time I've actually jotted down the vaguest thoughts in my head just as they are and I don't know if you understand this but I really feel at peace for not restricting myself and just letting it flow out. I hope you loved it just like I do. :')

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