Jaune's new life begins

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Jaune along with Tio, Kuroka, and Erza had registered as a party to take missions and quest approved by the guild. The four of them had then took the job of killing a large pack of horn wolves and collecting their horns. Jaune along with the girls had came to woods where they had found a pack of them. Tio had used fire spears while Kuroka had used darkness spears to kill a few of the wolves. Jaune and Erza had used their sword skills to slay the remaining wolves. Jaune had then finished the last one by thrusting his sword into it's head and killing it. They had then began their trip back into town and towards the guild hall. Jaune had then began to praise their skills while giving a compliment about them here and there. The girls had blushed as they got complimented and they had each blushed mostly due to it was Jaune who had complimented them since they each had seeds of admiration for him. 

The four of them had made their way back to the guild hall and presented the wolf horns to prove they had killed them. The one at the front desk had then updated their records and had rewards them the 20 copper coins that were promised. Jaune and the girls had then planned to walk throughout town and buy anything they may need for their journey to be adventurers and anything they may want for themselves. Jaune had purchased a few magic tomes for him to expand him arsenal due to him proving that he could use every affinity. Jaune had then learned the null spells gate, modelling, slip, multiple, recovery, enchant, and long sense; and the fire spells fire spear, fire storm, and fire bomb.

Remnant, Beacon academy

It had been a couple of weeks since Jaune had "disappeared" and it took one day for them to realize that Jaune had disappeared. The staff had been in bad spirits due to the actions of Professor Ozpin; he had brought the rest of facility had demanded why they stood by while Jaune was tormented. They had then begun to be belittled by Ozpin as being failures as teachers and that Glynda was the worst seeing as she had never even before the truth had been revealed ever helped Jaune. Professor Ozpin had forced them to watch all the things that they allow to happen and it made them sick to their stomachs.

Team JNPR had received a new member by the name of Alastor Morningstar who took the place of Pyrrha's partner while Pyrrha herself had taken the reins as leader. Pyrrha's actions as leader had caused a major difference in their performance, they had dropped from one of the most coordinated teams to one of the worst. Fighting amongst each other had sparked and soon members who had sought the company of team RWBY had unwilling dragged them into the fighting. Events outside the conflict had also took a hold of them, Ruby was ashamed of her team for taking part of driving away her first and best friend outside of beacon, Weiss had found out that Neptune was a flirting cheating manwhore, and the final kicker was that Blake's secret of her faunus heritage had been accidentally exposed to her team it had caused for the team to be even more divided. Blake and Ruby had then decided to stuck by each other as they had both been hurt in a way. Ruby had been continuously abandoned by her sister, Weiss, and team PARN (JNPR but renamed) since she was "too young"; While Blake had been betrayed since they found out of her faunus heritage.

Michelangelo was viewing them and the rest of Remnant as he tried to see how else the world had been altered, he had then planned to give Jaune's former team and friends the info of where he was and how better he was doing. He had planned to to send Blake, and Ruby to the new world with Jaune since they could see that they had hidden feelings for him.

sorry if it is short, I will try to make the next chapters longer, til then stay safe.

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