finding out a traitor and the royal addition and proposal

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Jaune along with Kuroka, Tio, and Erza had followed the king, the duke, and the rest of the royals to the throne room where they saw a demi-human kneeling. Jaune looked closely and asked "Olga, you're the ambassador". Olga looked towards the source of the voice and saw Jaune, before saying "Jaune, Erza, Tio, Kuroka, you four are here as well". The king looked at Jaune and asked "Ohh, are you acquainted with the ambassador Young Jaune". Jaune looked at the king and replied "somewhat, I assisted her sister in finding her after they gotten separated in the city, a question; has anyone tampered with the room after the incident".

A man who had introduced himself as the captain of the king's guards had answered that he sealed the room off and had ordered his men to allow no one to tamper with it. Jaune smirked and said "excellent, then with your permission, I would like to examine it. I believe I can be able to solve this affair". The general led Jaune to the dining room where the king collapsed, Jaune looked around to see if anything was out of place. 

Jaune was then given the bottle of wine that Olga had given the king, Jaune had refused it since he claimed he did not need it. Jaune then used his search spell and searched for poison, he had saw that the poison was not in the wine but somewhere else. Jaune then smirked and mentally exclaimed 'gotcha, you traitorous count'. Jaune had then requested that everyone who was in attendance in the dining room to return there.

Jaune had then began to explain as soon as everyone with the count Balsa being the last one to enter. "As we are all aware, someone had attempted to commit regicide against the king by poison. I had searched the entire room and had found the identity of the traitor, but first I  would like to prove something, general; would you be willing to drink some of the wine? I can assure you, the wine is completely safe". The general was a little surprised but regardless took a drink from the wine but he had it from a normal cup.

The general had drank and complimented the wine and Olga's decision of bring it. Jaune had then turned to the count, and said "I also realized that you never had the chance of having some, here you can have some from one of the glasses from the tray that the king's glass was from". Jaune then poured some into a glass that had the king's symbol on and began to give the glass to Balsa. Balsa had then began to refuse before the General had assured him while bringing him into a firm hug. Jaune had poured some of the wine into Balsa's mouth which he drank, Balsa had began to hold his throat stating the poison was taking effect.

Jaune gave him a bored look and said "Relax you fat traitor, I washed away the poison from the glass before you all came here. Balsa was shocked and exclaimed "What did you say". Jaune nodded and Erza had pulled her sword and kept near Balsa's neck, Jaune then continued "There is a null spell that was passed down my family called piercing gaze, it had allowed the caster to see if someone was a friend and foe, or if they are telling a lie instead of the truth; in short I could tell that you were lying when you were expressing your concern for the king and when you mentioned the poisoning that you had joy; also you didn't poison the wine but the glass that his majesty had used, if not all of his glasses. You are nothing but a traitor, I also believe that you were the one who had hired that mage to kidnap the duke's daughter", Jaune had turn on his piercing gaze and all saw his eyes turn golden, "confess Balsa". Balsa had groaned in anger and said "you brat, why, why are you even doing this, how can you help a king who is willing to make peace with those demi-human trash. if you had never interfered, the duke's daughter would had been captured and there would had been no need for me to attempt this regicide". Jaune had come to Balsa and had incapacitate him by a strong blow to his temple.

The king had ordered his guards to remove Balsa from his sight and take him to the dungeon. The royal family along with Jaune, Erza, Kuroka, and Tio had gone to the parlor where the king expressed his gratitude towards Jaune for saving his life. Leafa had then gotten everyone's attention and said "Father, Mother, I have been become attracted to Jaune; He has proven himself talented, as well as clever and honorable. Erza, Kuroka, and Tio had allowed the four of us to speak and they had noticed my admiration towards him and allowed me to be with him as well, so I wish for when the time to come, for him to be my husband". Everyone minus Erza, Kuroka, and Tio were shocked, Leafa had then said to Jaune, "I have fallen for you Jaune, so when we are able to, will take me along as Erza, Kuroka, and Tio as your wife". 

Jaune looked at her and said "If your Mother and Father approve of me, but I ask that the engagement be postponed so I can get to know you better and that they not only approve due to me saving your father's life". The king and queen had taken a moment to discuss this and had come to the conclusion that Jaune was the best choice that Leafa could have as a husband. They had approved and to formally thanked them once again, they had given Jaune, Erza, Kuroka, Leafa, and Tio a mansion to live as well as the fortune that Balsa had acquired along with anything that they may find useful. Jaune along with the girls had gone to where their new home was located and they loved it.

Jaune had looked at his girlfriends/fiancés and had knew that he was now truly home with people that loved him

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Jaune had looked at his girlfriends/fiancés and had knew that he was now truly home with people that loved him. 

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