The betrayal and The end of Arc

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i can't believe i trusted you"

"you are a faker and a liar"

"to think you thought you could be worthy of me"

"i cant believe the person i fell for was a weak liar"

Jaune had told his partner of his fake transcripts and instead of accepting him, she had attacked him. she threw him towards the wall bruised and bloody, "don't come to the dorms, you can sleep in the cold". Pyrrha had then assisted Cardin in telling everyone of Jaune's transcripts, that event had then escalated towards the entire student body to hate him. The students had then proceeded to attack and degrade him, in combat class they had fought with intent to severely hurt if not kill him. Jaune had been berated by his so called friends as they insulted him, degraded him, the woman he had long for had even gone for and said "he was an embarrassment to his family name". she didn't even know he didn't have a family name anymore, he had lost it as he was disowned.

Jaune had been sleeping on the roof of the school seeing as his team had locked him out of the dorm under the threat of bodily harm if he ever attempted to enter. He had then been called to Professor Ozpin's office where he had been told that Ozpin had known since before he entered the school of his transcripts but allowed him to attend but the council had learned and forced his hand to expel him. Jaune was then lost; he had lost his dream, his friends and even his family. Jaune had then went to roof to gather his things but as he was doing so, he turned to the edge. Jaune with a blank face and broken heart, as for the real nail in the coffin of Jaune Arc was that the girl he had began to fall for, his own partner Pyrrha Nikos, had began to date the person who had exposed him; Cardin Winchester. Jaune began to walk towards the edge before taking a deep breathe and walked off. He then closed his eyes and then it went all white.

Jaune had then woken up and saw that he was on a floor mat that was akin to those used in early menagerie. It had moderate sized TV along with a feudal Japanese style dining table set, and across the other end of the table was man

"Well hey kid, let me check", the guy made a large scroll of paper appear and looked at until he found what he wanted, "Hmm Jaune Arc and it says here you were suppose to live until the age of 78, leaving behind 3 adult children before joining you...

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"Well hey kid, let me check", the guy made a large scroll of paper appear and looked at until he found what he wanted, "Hmm Jaune Arc and it says here you were suppose to live until the age of 78, leaving behind 3 adult children before joining your wife Pyrrha Nikos Arc; so tell me why you are dead at the age of 17". Jaune was shocked and asked "how do you know my name and that bitch Pyrrha"? The man looked confused and answered "I am Michelangelo, I am the God of Anime, Games, and entertainment, your world, lets face it, is so crazy it counts as an anime; now tell me why did you call the woman you were suppose to marry and have kids with a bitch".  Jaune had told him about Cardin being an asshole even though he saved his life and how he got betrayed before telling him that Pyrrha had hooked up with Cardin. 

Michelangelo facepalmed and moaned "I fucking hate when this shit happens, ok listen; every once and a millennium the center of the existence unleashes a pulse of energy that sometimes alter the flow of events, in this case it fucked up your life; I am sorry I didn't catch that but to make up for it. I will revive you but the thing is that the Elder gods aka my bosses would not allow for you to go back to your world so I found a new world for you to prosper".  Jaune had took all this in but he figured that Michelangelo had many worlds to look after so he couldn't be blamed for what happened to him. Jaune then said "It's ok Michelangelo, you probably have a lot of other worlds so I can't blame you, but do you mind telling me about this world"?

Michelangelo had told him that is was a fantasy medieval world that had monsters to be slayed and magic that you can perform. Michelangelo smiled and said "well I might as well prepare you for the new world I am sending you off to. Here's a change of clothes and a weapon, also just to help you out more since I still feel guilty, I had changed some of the characters for other anime characters but they don't know of their other versions, also you will still have your scroll but it has been altered so you wont be able to call anyone from remnant, the maps have been altered for the maps of the world you are now going to, also some spending money* Michelangelo had taken out an outfit and a sword

 Here's a change of clothes and a weapon, also just to help you out more since I still feel guilty, I had changed some of the characters for other anime characters but they don't know of their other versions, also you will still have your scroll b...

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(no sword in the outfit pic)

Michelangelo then took out a small coin bag and gave it to Jaune

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Michelangelo then took out a small coin bag and gave it to Jaune. "there is about 20 platinum coins and each one is worth 10 gold , 100 silver, or 1,000 copper coins each, the bag is also enchanted so you can exchange a coin for the multiple coins of lesser value, an example would be if you trade a gold coin for 10 silver and etc.; You should try to doing some mercenary work or maybe some escort or guard work if you want or need more money".

"One final thing" Michelangelo then placed his hand on Jaune's forehead and gave him the ability to read and write the word system of the new world and knowledge of magic incase he wants to learn more since he was given the magical spell storage w...

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"One final thing" Michelangelo then placed his hand on Jaune's forehead and gave him the ability to read and write the word system of the new world and knowledge of magic incase he wants to learn more since he was given the magical spell storage which allows him to make a personal pocket dimension and the ability to see and copy any type of spell with the ability to use any type of element for magic.

"Now Jaune, since you got disowned, I think you should pick a new name". Jaune thought long and soon had decided one, "My name is Jaune Belmont". Michelangelo then smiled and said "Well Jaune Belmont, you should be going and incase you need some advice or anything, you actually have my number on your scroll; now goodbye Jaune". Jaune had said his farewells and soon was on a rural road in what seemed a countryside and had saw a sign that said Reflect town was about 300 meters away. Jaune sighed and said "I better start moving", Jaune then began to walk and as he did, he looked up and thought 'thanks for the second chance Michelangelo'. 

(I have just found out about the anime; in a different world with a smartphone, and I thought why not make a story where Jaune is the main character but making the girls different. Also I will try to not make Jaune powerful off the bat, but I will make him strong. The final thing, multiple girls that Jaune will befriend will be some of the anime girls that we all thought as waifus at one point and another, and don't try to deny it 😏)

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