The journey to Mismede

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(there will be a new non-rwby addition to the harem)

Jaune was inside his new estate where he had used some of the former possessed armors and had them around the estate as decoration. He had then used his programming spell to have them become possessed again but as guards for the estate.

 He had then used his programming spell to have them become possessed again but as guards for the estate

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Jaune had been called to the king's castle which he arrived via his gate spell

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Jaune had been called to the king's castle which he arrived via his gate spell. Jaune kneeled and asked "Your majesty, you called for me". The king merely said "Rise Jaune, You are my daughter's fiancé, you dont need to bow. Also, yes I did call for you; you see The king of Mismede has called for talks of a treaty which will be a large factor in our pursuit of peace. I have called for to travel there due to the road to Mismede has been reported to be crawling with bandits and monsters". Jaune then asked "Am I safe to assume that you wish for me to travel to Mismede and use my gate spell for you to safely travel there from your castle". The king nodded and said that was the case while Jaune merely gave a soft smile and said "It will be no trouble to help my king and my future father in law, I will have the girls come with me to make sure you will get there safely.

Jaune then gated by home and told Kuroka, Erza, Tio, and Leafa about the situation before all of them geared up before the gated to the front of the king's Castle. They then came to see about 6 sturdy carriages pulled by strong horses.

 They then came to see about 6 sturdy carriages pulled by strong horses

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The then saw a small group of soldiers dressed in armor.

(imagine the soldiers wearing this armor but without the helmet due to their ears)

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(imagine the soldiers wearing this armor but without the helmet due to their ears)

along with the soldiers were 4 others who were not wearing infantry armor.

along with the soldiers were 4 others who were not wearing infantry armor

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"Hello, I am Garn, captain of the Mismedian Knights. My troops and I are ready to leave when you are".

 My troops and I are ready to leave when you are"

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"Hey there, I am Blair, I am a mage of Mismede". She then looked at Jaune and winked as she thought he looked hot.

 She then looked at Jaune and winked as she thought he looked hot

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"Hello, I am Shion. I am one the best archers in Mismede and I am happy to meet the guy who help prove my friend Olga's innocence". Shion then gave a quick bow with a small smile".

 Shion then gave a quick bow with a small smile"

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(this is the new addition to the harem)

"Greetings, I am Atago. I am one of Mismede's best swords user and I heard about your skills with a sword Sir Jaune and I interested in participating in a spar". Jaune then nodded and said "It will be my honor to face you, I will gladly face you once we are at Mismede and out journey is complete". "Jaune, hey", Jaune turned around and felt something crashed against him. 

He looked down and saw it was Arma and behind her was her sister Olga. Arma was hugging Jaune and said "I heard you are coming with us to Mismede, is that true". Jaune smiled and softly ruffled her head and said "Yes, it's true; The rest of the girls are coming too as well". Everyone got into carriages and they began to get a move on; Jaune was inside the carriage looking at his scroll, he was currently looking at a picture of him with a former friend and team before he scoffed and deleted it before he focused on his journey.

(I am sorry that it is a little short, also I am not good at writing fight scenes so I am asking if anyone believes they can write a fight scene for my gamer story for the vytal festival, to please PM me)

(I would like to thank Reiji4594, for the comment that had her name)

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