Chapter 12

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Guys I know you are probably tired if me apologizing so much but I am sorry for not posting much. Also 5.67K guys!!!! Thank you so so much for it anyways here's chapter 12!

Ding dong. Frank must be here. I was nervous of what his reaction is going to be.

    "Hey Mike!" Frank said to me. "Hi Frank let's go to the living room." I replied.

   "Say Mike what are all these toys lying around did you have another fair at Neverland?" He said curiously. Oh no! I forgot to pick up Ray's toys! "Uhhh that's kind of what I wanted to talk about."


"Here have a seat and I'll explain to you whats going on."

I explained to him about how I found Ray in the street and his mom and everything.

"Geez Michael! This child will ruin your career!"

I got a bit offended off of that.

"No he won't! Other celebrities have children too! And I don't care what you say Ray Jackson is my son and he will forever be!" I shouted.

I felt this giddy feeling in my stomach.

I felt powerful like I could make my own decisions.

Oh wait I CAN!

"I don't know what to say..." Frank said.

"You know what? I'll go get him!"

I ran upstairs to go get Ray and I found him playing with his toys.

"Hey buddy why don't you come downstairs I want to introduce you to someone."

Ooooooo the suspense.. I will be sure to start posting more often.




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