Chapter 10

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When I put Ray to bed I decided to look through my mail to see if there's anything else that was strange. But then I heared a loud squeal comming from upstairs. What the heck was that? Wait Ray! I ran up stairs to Ray's room. His eyes were still closed so I guess he was just having a bad dream. He was wearing a green ninja turtle shirt and as well with the pants. He looked so small and delicate that even a gentel touch could hurt him. I walked up to his bed and carefully put him in my lap. I craddled him and sang I'll be there to him.

You and I must make a pact

We must bring salvation back

Where there's love

I'll be there

"Love you buddy." I said quietly. Making sure his ears couldn't hear it but his soul could. "I Love you too daddy." he responded.  Daddy? When did he decide to call me daddy? Oh well. I'll firgure it out tomorrow. I gave him a kiss on the fore head. "I love you more."


The Next Morning

I was making chocolate chip pancakes still thinking about the whole daddy thing. Am I a father yet? What will mother think? These questions formed around my head. I heared little foot steps come down the stairs. "Hi daddy." Ray said while yawning. His dirty blonde hair was sticking in all these random places. "When did you start calling me daddy?" I asked. "I don't know." He responded.  I'll just go with it. "Daddy?" "Yes?" "Later can we go in the pool?" He asked. "Ya sure if you want." I responded while handing him his plate. It is is June 3 and I remembered his birthday was on June 25 *A/N :(* "Hey do you want to anything for your birthday?" I asked. "When is my b-day." Ha ha I love how he says b-day. "Well you're B-DAY is on June 25." I said emphasizing b-day. "Can we have the ninja turtles come?" he asked. "I will see if i can arrange that." I said.

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