Chapter One

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We driving back to Neverland my home when I say this little boy on the street.  "WAIT STOP THE CAR!" I yelled and the car stopped. "What's wrong Mike?" my bodyguard asked. "I just saw a little boy on the street! " I said while walking out.

I started walking to the little boy he was dirty and had tears on his face "Hey buddy." I said and he looked up to me. "What's your name." I asked. "Ray." he said quietly.  "Ok Ray let's go to my house like this we can talk about this." "No. Mommy said no." "Come on Ray please. " "Ok." ray said in an unsure voice. The two of us walkes into my limo and we drove home. When we got home I said "Oh my gosh you must be starving what do want to eat." "PB and J" he replied.  While he was eating I asked "So Ray, how old are you." "twee" that was adorable.

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