Anger and First request

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"Now that you all had time to digest what you just saw, anyone got something to say?" Rim asks, looking over the group. Many of the students had tear marks from crying.

"Midoriya-Kun. Do, do you still have those thoughts?" Momo asks. Like most others, momo had tears running down her face as everyone turns to look at Izuku, who was holding his mother, who is crying on his shoulder. Izuku considered lying to them, saying he never felt like that. But he knows he's terrible at lying.

"I...I don't think about it anymore. There are times where I still question if I belong here, but I haven't considered that since... well, you know," Izuku says, not able to meet their gaze.

"Pro-Midoriya, look at me," Eraserhead says. Izuku slowly raises his head and looks at his teacher. He sees Eri in his arm, crying.

"You belong here more than anyone else. During the quirk assessment test, I nearly made a mistake. Granted, a certain buffoon didn't tell me anything; my point is you have the most potential I've seen in a long time. And I'm not the only one who thinks that. You know, your already Eri's favorite hero," Eraserhead says. Eri turns her head to look at Izuku before nodding to confirm that it's true.

"You belong here. Never forget that problem, child," Eraserhead said with a smirk. Izuku couldn't stop the tears from falling.

"Th-thank you, sensei," Izuku says as he rubs his eyes.

"Growing soft there, Sho?" Present Mic says with a shit-eating grin.

"Don't push your luck Mic," Eraserhead says while going back to his usual tired look. This caused a few to chuckle at their interaction, slowly improving the overall mood.

"Izuku," Inko says, sitting straight to look at her son in the eyes. Why didn't you come to me? I thought you were hiding something from me or that something is troubling you, yet I never thought it would be this bad. I should have, though. That's twice now I failed you as a mother," Inko says. Inko couldn't stand the idea that she failed her son so much. She regrets saying sorry all those years. She regretted never pushing the issue when he was hiding something from her. She should have looked to see if he had gotten better at hiding injuries instead of listening when he said he's ok. She should have been more involved.

"MOM!" Izuku yells. This snaps Inko out of her spiral of despair.

"You have nothing to regret. You said what you said back then because you were worried about my safety; what parent wouldn't. You were very involved in my life. Despite working extra hours on those cases, you still got up in the morning to eat breakfast with me and talk about my plans for the day. Despite being a bad liar, I did get good at treating my wounds. I would treat them and cover them up since they usually hit me where it wasn't noticeable. You did try to get me to talk, but you already did so much. I know dad sends just the required amount while you work hard for the rest. I know that your look down at your job for having a quirkless kid. I know you had so much on your plate that I didn't want you to worry about me and be more of a burden," Izuku says as tears pour from his eyes.

"You will never be a burden to me, Izuku. And your right. I do worry about you. But get one thing straight, quirkless or not, I will always worry about my baby boy. You could have been born with the strongest quirk known to man, and I will still worry about you. I was wrong to say I was sorry. I was sorry that I failed you. that I couldn't give you what you always wanted. But what I should have said was you can be a hero," Inko says while hugging her son. Izuku could only hug her back while he cried. It was too much to take at once for him. He questioned himself every day about his classmates. Did they really like him? would they still accept him if they knew he was quirkless? Does someone like him deserve to be a hero? To hear that he belong here with them. That he's one of them quirk or quirkless. That he isn't a burden.

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