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"What do you mean that Ira is working at Sunrise Rehabilitation?" I cringed as Ryan spoke her name at our lunch date today. I had taken a break from my first day back working and this was not the way I wanted to start it.

"Exactly what I just said, Ryan." I picked at the food that didn't even get to be eaten, "I was talking to Jacob and as he took me to my office, which by the way is awesome, she came in to start insulting me."

"Fuck. I knew she was going to find a way back into my life." Into his life? More like both of our lives. Ever since in our trip around the country, I thought that Ryan and I could start our life in a calmer way. For the most part, it's been okay. "What did I tell you? I knew she would be such a rat to do that sh-it."

"Ryan, don't let the marine come out of you." I laughed, I didn't want for him to be any angrier than he already was, "Can we please enjoy this date. I only have thirty more minutes until I have to start heading back."

"You're right." We finally continued to eat, "Other than her, how has work been?"

"My office is nice." I smiled. If there was anything that I loved about this new job, was the office shopping that came with it, "You'll have to come and visit me sometime."

"Maybe I can swing by after you get settled in." That would be amazing. I just need him to be in my life entirely. I just didn't want Ira ruining anything.

"Hey Scarlet, I'm going to need the client data for this month that includes all complaints." I look up to another co-worker who had come inside to my unfinished office. 

I went to the the file cabinet on the corner of the room, "Here you go." I handed him the file that included the entire database for this month.

I went back to work on my computer. Jacob had given me a list of things I needed to learn by the end of the day in order to meet with him tomorrow morning. Twenty things on this list. That's a lot of work. 

Having my small country store was the only place that I've ever worked and now I was dreadfully missing it.

Without missing a second, Ira walked in my office, "Can I talk to you?"

"Do I have a choice?" I motioned my hand for her to sit on my chair in front of my desk, "What do you want, Ira?"

"Look." I listened, "I don't want to hate you at work, especially since we're going to spending time here a lot." She dragged out her words. 

"I agree and I'm glad that you've come to that realization." I looked over at my buzzing phone, I didn't recognize the number.

"Is that Ryan?" Oh God, Ira. Don't start with this whole Ryan thing again. How did he even marry this woman? "I am not backing down from pursuing him. He married me once, he'll do it again."

"Ira, as long as I'm working here. I will not talk to you about Ryan for anything else other than if he comes to any company events." She gave me the evil-eye and stood up to walk out of the office.

"This isn't over." I'm sure the hell it wasn't.

The day finally ended, thankfully. I took my purse with me, some files to look over, and locked my office to make sure nobody entered while I was away. As I was walking out, Jacob was still in his office.

"Hey Scarlet, can you come in for a minute?" I walked over to his big, corner office at the end of the hall.

Sitting down wasn't an option, I wasn't about to give him any authority over me, "Jacob."

His right eyebrow rose a little, "I wanted to see how your first day went. Making sure that every employee has a good experience here is my job."

Chuckling, I leaned against the wall, "Everything went well, Jacob. Trust me, I'm sure you take care of your employees very well." I was referring to Ira. He can't hide the fact that his flirtations around Ira were just friendly.

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