chapter 12

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Aloha everybody!!! Unedited so mind my silly mistakes! X
"Elizabeth, what do you think the author meant when he said 'the sky was clear blue'?" Mr Truman asked. All eyes were on me, waiting for the question to be answered. In quite honesty I thought the question was stupid and the the author had written that the sky was blue because it was fucking blue so I thought I would speak aloud my thoughts.

"The author wrote that the sky was blue, maybe because the sky was blue and that this sentence had no effect on the context of the story whatsoever!" I exclaimed over huge outbursts of laughter from my classmates. All I said was pretty much true, we were analysing texts in such depth that author themselves may have not even known that they had written. I serioulsy don't get how the sky being blue as it usually is has anything to do with great depression. People weren't running around looking for jobs because THE SKY WAS BLUE!!!

"Okay, it may seem like that to you, but what emotion or feeling does the colour blue symbolise, relate it to the text", Mr Truman said after the laughters from the students died down.

"I dunno, blue symbalises peace or summin."

"Yes yes Elizabeth, what about sadness, does it connote sadness or the expression of feeling a little blue, you've heard of that expression before am I right?"

"Sky blue gives off an atmosphere of serenity, if it was to be dark blue then maybe yh...but what has this got to do with the migrant workers on the ranches!?" I ask getting frustrated by the stupidity of the questions he throws at me and also the way he bounces around the class acting like he is full of enthusiasm!  God who invented all this!?

"What you may not understand is the importance of going into depth when it comes to sufficing the means of which the author of this novel has written." Seriously he is not making any sense whatsoever.

After a full on debate, the bell rang concluding the end of the last period for the day and week. I packed up my stuff and walked out of the classroom only to bump into the Elephant.

"Hey" I say to him, but he doesn't look up. He mumbles a small hey and walks off.

What was wrong him! Grumpy pants... we might not be such tight friends and we may have only known each other for like a konth now and I may have sorta got a crush on him but come on.

I decided to leave it for anothet time and walked off towards the campus upto my room.

Eliot's POV

Uuuurgh, why did I go and do that for. Now she's gonna think im a mean cow who doesn't give a shit. Wait, why do I give a shit? I don't know her.
But you like her.

What! No fucking way do I like her. She's not even my type.
So why are you so bothered about it, just let it go, all you did was not say hi.

That's the thing. Why didn't I!?
Because you like her.

No I don't.
Yes you do. You're scared you might get lost in her eyes if you were to look up.

No way. She does have nice eyes and all. But that's not the point.
Why don't you just admit it! You like her and that's that.

What if she doesn't like me back!? Huh. Have you got an answer for that?!
Well I ain't her am I! I don't know that cos I'm you!

What about Alex!? It feels as if im betraying her...
She can't feeeeeeel anything you stupid twat.

Why the fuck am I even arguing with you!?
You're arguing with yourself Eliot...
"You okay Eliot?" I wake up from my trance and look up to find Lauren looming over me

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