chapter 16

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Heeeey guysss sorry that I haven't updated in so long, I think I'll resume writing after June because that's when my exams finish, sorry for making y'all wait but I have been jam packed with revision and intervention and dumb coursework.....

Well anyway here it is
Ignore my spelling mistakes or grammar and stuff, im too lazy to fix any of that...

Elliot's p.o.v

Something was wrong.
Alex wasn't being her usual self. She was shaking, fidgeting and too quiet for my liking. Something was definetly wrong.
She didn't answer me as she was too deep in her thoughts whilst staring out the car window. The breeze flew around the car making her long hair dance.
"Alex!" I said again whilst placing my hand on her knee. She shot up so fast I thought she was going to hit me. She wouldn't meet my eyes and just turned away and continued to stare out the open window into the night sky.
"Alex. ALEX what's wrong babe?! Talk to me what's wrong?"
I was beginning to get worried. What if I had done something wrong? Was it something I said? Did someone hurt her?
"Alex, was it something I said?"
She didn't answer yet from the light inside the car I saw the glints of tears that strolled down her pale face.
I gently grabbed her chin and turned her face towards me.
"What's wrong?" I asked again whilst wiping the tears off her face. I continued to drive to find a place to park but we were on the motorway, there was no stopping.
She stuttered while she began to talk.
"I'm.. I'm so ... sorry Lee."
"What do you mean, Lex what's going on?" This was going to drive me mad, the suspense was killing me.
"LEX!" I shouted a bit too harshly. I saw her flinch before she screamed back at me.
"I'M PREGNANT, for fucks sake! Im pregnant."
Her outburst had hit me like a truck. She was pregnant? I was going to be a dad. That was brilliant. I WAS GOING TO BE A DAD.
"I'm going to be a dad" I said silently surprised. The edges of my lips curled upwards.
"Im actually going to be a dad!" I said louder more excited than ever before.
This was fantastic news. I was going to have a baby with the most amazing, loveliest girl, that girl who was my awesome girlfriend, the girl who lit up my entire world, the girl I loved with all my heart, the girl who mad fireworks errupt within me. I was going to be a father.
I couldn't contain my excitement as I smiled sheepishly but then I noticed that she had become silent again. What was wrong this time? This was fantastic, but why was she still upset!?
"Lex, that's amazing, what's wrong!? Aren't you happy?"
What if she was afraid that I would let her go. I would never give up on her. I always loved kids anyways.
"Lex, you know I love you right, I will always be with you, there's no need to be afraid."
I kept one hand on the steering wheel while I used my other hand and grabbed her chin again to make her look at me.
She began to cry again and it was hard to console her when I had to keep my eyes on the road to keep us all safe.
"I'm sorry Elliot" she sniffed.
"The baby isn't... the baby..isn't yours." She whispered to ashamed to look me in the eyes.
Reality slapped me like a bitch.
"What do you mean the babies not mine!" I asked confused although it was a shitty question.
I wanted to support her no matter what. But the feeling of being betrayed and used overpowered my normal thoughts. My head started thumping with thoughts as that one question came to view.
Who was the father?
As if I was thinking aloud she replied.
"It's Roland's..." she trailed off.
What the absolute fuck! What did she just say!? ROLAND!!! As in my best friend Roland. The first person I became friends with in kindergarten.
"Roland." I repeated coldly.
"You fucked my best friend Roland!"
"Elliot, please... im sorry it wasnt.. it wasn't... like that, I swear I didn't.... I didn't mean too...I wasn't in my senses. Elliot, please I'm so sorry babe."
Why the hell was she crying!? I was the one should've been crying. I actually thought she loved me. Scenarios played in my head as to how I was going to beat the damn crap out of Roland.
I don't think I handled the situation at hand well. But you couldn't blame me; I was annoyed and angry and upset but most of all I was confused. Ofcourse I still loved her. But I didn't have time to rethink the situaution as a piercing scream drew me back to where we were. 360 degrees, our car went flying though the air. I grabbed onto Alex's hand yet I was numb. I couldn't feel anything, it was all too painful it became painless. I was accustomed to getting hurt, my life was a load of bullshit so when the car had reached the ground I slowly started to fade. Thinking of all the blissful memories me and Alex had shared not too long ago. I snapped back to reality as I screamed. Luckily enough the car had landed upright. My leg was trapped under the pedals. I struggled to get free screaming Alex's name, there was shards of glass every where and we were both covered in blood. She was unconscious.
"ALEX ALEX STAY WITH ME PLEASE" I screamed when I was finally set free. I limped out of the car and raced other to the other side as fast as I could. I pulled her out of the car and carried her away from the which exploded behind us. The sirens fromthe ambulance became distant as I screamed for Alex to wake up. Blood cascaded from the wound on her temple. I screamed again.
"I love you. Babe I need you please. Please wake up."

I awoke screaming her name; what felt like her blood which was all over me from that night was actually sweat which I was mounted in.
I breathed heavily and threw the covers off of me. My head began to spin once I stood up.
She was haunting me.
I opened the window wide and inhaled the cold night air. Stars had exploded amongst the black sky, making it glitter like diamonds.
I stayed there for a while. Just standing there and watching. Emotionless.
I pulled away from the window and punched the wall as hard as I could. I dont know why but I just did. I didn't care about the time, I jsust grabbed a towel and headed into the shower. Blasting the cold water all over me I exhaled.
I walked out the shower, my towel hanging on my waist and checked the time.
It had just turned 3:00 yet sleep hadn't deprived me.
I decided to grab a bottle of vodka from the kitchen and trailed outside towards the local park.
I lit a cigarette and took a long and slow drag. I breathed out the white smoke which poured out of my mouth, warm and cloudy.
Any normal person would believe it was absolutely freezing, but even if it was, I didn't feel a thing. The silence captivated me, endured my thoughts. I didn't like this silence. I took a swig from the bottle and let the burning sensation fill my insides.
Yet when I had left my senses, there was always that one thought in the midst of my mind. I needed her. Why did I need her!? Why did I ever meet her? It was a suicide mission; her not being mine. I wanted her. I needed her. I think I fell for her a long time ago. I just chose to ignore it. The pain was mutual.
I dropped what was left of the cigarette onto the floor and squished it with my shoe. I then pulled out my phone with a little struggle. Usually I wasn't a light weight. I had gotten used to consuming so much alchohol to numb the pain that it ended up stop working.
I searched for her name through my contacts and once my eyes had laid upon the number I pressed call.
After like the seventh ring she answered.
She answered groggily but her voice was the remedy to my broken heart.
"Hello?" She asked.
Heyy guys, sorry that it is a very late and short update. I was revising and thought that I had neglected my book for too long so I decided to finish off what I was writing!
Hope you enjoyed this chapter because I think it's one of my favourites.
Love y'all
Stay smiling and peace out :)

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