Chapter 1: The Parkers

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This chapter has been edited as of 3/14/23

This fic also has major spoilers for Season 1 of Marvel Spiderman 2017 word of warning

Although it had been a couple years since Hiro visited New York City, it was still the same as ever.

Tall buildings, lots of colorful signs and people, and there being the occasional damaged building every now and then.

"Does New York always look like this?" Ari frowned as they passed by another damaged building, the city looked like it had been turned into a battlefield recently.

"Yes." Both Hiro and Cass answered.

"It does look a little more wrecked than normal." Her aunt admitted.

Ari winced as they turned away from a damaged road. "And I thought San Fransokyo had supervillain problems."

"No kidding! It makes all the supervillain things that happened this year look tame." Cass agreed. "I just hope May and the kids are alright."

Ari decided now was a good time to ask. "What are they like?"

"Peni and I talk a lot since we both have a lot in common, we're both teen geniuses who are into robotics!" Hiro explained.

"You also both have disaster hairstyles." Cass chimed in.

Hiro pouted. "We do not!"

"Seriously, it's hard to tell you two apart sometimes!"

The robotics genius chuckled. "Well there was that one time Peter couldn't tell us apart..." That had been a funny prank, the look on his cousin's face was hilarious.

"Does Peter look a lot like you too?" Ari asked him.

"Not really." Hiro shook his head. "He's technically related on Uncle Ben's side of the family, Peni's related on our side, but they're both our cousins!"

Who's Uncle Ben? Ari wondered, it was the first time she had heard of him, but then she figured that it was May's husband.

"A relative on our side had Peni but couldn't afford to take care of her, so my sister and Ben took her in." Cass explained. "Peter's parents passed away when he was young so that's why he lives with them."

Hiro frowned at that reminder. "Sadly we have a lot in common..." He took a deep breath before glancing back at Ari. "Uncle Ben passed away a couple years ago."

Ari winced. "Ouch."

"Try not to bring it up, it's still a sore subject for them." Cass was starting to drive through a neighborhood. "We're almost there."

"Was I rude for asking questions?" Ari glanced down at her shoes.

Both Hiro and Cass shook their heads. "You didn't! We're sorry for not telling you until the last minute." Her brother reassured her. "We probably should've told you more about them earlier."

In his defense... he hadn't talked to his cousins as often due to his superheroes and college.

"Well we're here now!" Cass told them.

They were in front of a green roofed house with cream tiles. The bushes in front of the house had budding flowers despite it being the fall, making it different from the other similarly built houses.

"Brrr..." Ari shivered as she got out of the car. "New York is cold." She had gotten used to how warmer San Fransokyo was.

"Want my jacket?" Hiro offered.

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