Epilogue: Coming Back

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This chapter has been edited as of 4/5/23

The wait at the airport had been full of tearful goodbyes from his extended family.

"I'll miss you May!" Cass gave her sister one last hug.

"I'll miss you too!" May hugged back. "Hopefully we can visit soon!"

Ari was bawling her eyes out as she waved goodbye. "I'll m-miss you guys!

"I'll miss you too!" Peter also cried.

Hiro admitted a few tears were shed on his end.

Then they were on the flight, which had slept through most of, waking up around the end of it, and pretty soon they were back in San Fransokyo.


"Freedom!" Ari had exited the car in a rush as she bolted to the cafe.

Hirp sped after her. "Ari the door's still locked!"

Once Cass caught up to them, the door was opened. "Don't forget we have to pick up Mochi and Baymax."

"Hope Mochi didn't try taking over the city while we were gone." Hiro teased.

"Do I have to come with?" Ari looked up at her aunt with worry. "I don't think I can handle being in the car anymore."

The plane had been bumpy, while Hiro had slept through it, Ari could not and the entire ride made her nauseous. If it lasted an hour longer I think I would've hurled.

Thankfully Cass had packed medicine in case of emergencies so her stomach wasn't in complete agony from the turbulence.

"It's okay, you can guard the cafe while we pick up Mochi and Baymax." Hiro reassured her.

Ari nodded. "Okay then!"

She helped her family bring all their bags in and unpack, and then Cass and Hiro were back in the car. "We'll be back soon." Cass opened the car door. "Don't eat everything in the house while we're gone!"

"Nah I'll just eat all of Hiro's snacks." Ari waved it off.

Hiro glared at her. "Hey!"


Then her aunt and brother drove off, and she was by herself.

She did a little bit of unpacking, feeling much better now that she wasn't stuck in a bumpy vehicle. How can people drive all day?

Ari then checked their mailbox, and to her surprise there was a letter inside from Juniper. "Oh wait, it's obvious." It had been a few days since her last letter, of course she'd have a letter to read when she got back.

"I hope this one has some advice..." She mumbled as she opened it up.

Dear Ari,

So I guess by the time you get this you'll be back from your trip huh? Well hope you don't run into any supervillains!

Not that I've been to New York... but I've heard the stories there!

Yes they have books in prison, I've been reading this one about wild cats, and this other one about wild cats but they have magical powers and humans don't exist in that universe.

I wonder if there's a third option where a human ends up in a magical cat world... ask me what an isekai is next time you visit, okay?

Anyways about this situation with your friend... wow she is dumb for breaking your trust, if I were in your shoes I'd never talk to her again but it's up to you if you want to be friends with her or not.

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