Chapter 6: Last Day

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This chapter has been edited as of 4/5/23

For the most part, Hiro had been enjoying the days spent with his cousins. He'd bond with Peni over related superhero shenanigans, exchanging tips and tactics on how to tackle their enemies.

"Do you remember what that pseudo-dimension you fell into looks like?" Peni asked him one day while they were playing console games together.

Hiro made a face. "How could I forget? It's in my nightmares."

"Sorry for bringing up uncomfortable memories." Peni quickly apologized. "I was just wondering about that because-"

"You think it might be possible to go there again without life-threatening danger and get Baymax's original body back." Hiro answered.

Peni nodded. "I've been doing some research on my own, and I think that dimension you went into is sort of bubbled around ours."

"Like... a dimension inside a dimension?" He questioned. Interdimensional travel is weird...

The programmer made a "so-so" gesture. "Maybe you wandered into the interdimensional barrier."

"I hope I didn't poke any holes in it..." That would be bad.

Peni waved it off. "Don't worry, I'm sure we'll figure out a way to travel there without summoning any void monsters or whatever happened in Miles' world."

"Void monsters? Seriously?" Hiro frowned.

"Hey, do you know what weird stuff the Avengers have to fight?" Peni gestured with her pen. "Last year there was this symbiote invasion and it was messy."

She and Peter didn't get involved, too spooked by their own experiences with a symbiote, so they had mostly worked on evacuating people and damage control.

They did get to chat with the Avengers afterwards, that was nice.

"So do you think we can get Baymax's old body back?" Hiro looked optimistic.

"One day." She promised.

Hiro also hung out with Peter quite a bit, however not as much as Ari hung out with the brunette.

He overheard one of their conversations one day after spending time cooking with May. "And the teachers will really help me if I have problems?" Ari was asking Peter.

His cousin nodded. "Of course! They're there to help you learn."

"But what if I don't understand the problem?" The sweater girl fiddled with her sleeves.

"Then they'll find a way for you to understand the problem." Peter reassured her. "There are some things at Horizon I had trouble with, but Dr. Otto helped me out with them."

That put a smile on Ari's face. "Wow, your teacher sounds really nice."

"Yeah he uh, is." Peter hoped that the sweater girl didn't notice the way he slightly glanced away. Hopefully she doesn't find out about the supervillain part of his career...

It made his heart warm seeing his little sister so happy with their extended family, and he felt more relaxed then he had been in weeks being around them.

But all good things had to end, for today was their last day in New York.

"I can't believe our trip is over!" Ari had cried.

"Me too!" Hiro also cried, he really enjoyed spending time with family and getting a break from all the chaos.

Cass gave them a reassuring pat on the shoulder like Baymax would. "There there guys, we can't stay here forever, I have to open the cafe anyways!"

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