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January 7th
10:12 AM

I walked into 'The Gunther House' the most famous breakfast place in San Antonio, Texas
I wore a Fendi trench coat black leather pants a white shirt and black boots

"Hi how many would be seating just one"

"Actually two I'm waiting on someone" I felt some grab my arm and I turned around a wave of fear flashed over my face as looked at him but I realized it was Roman

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you" he dropped my hand

"It's okay" I pushed my hair behind my ear

He wore a white turtle neck and black blazer with the slacks with a Rolex watch to ice it out

"Okay here are you seat the waitress would be right with you" The woman said as we took our seats I nodded and smiled at her

"So how was it living with Lucas?" He asked looking amen in my eyes

"It was scary" I paused

"He was unpredictable one day he was so sweet and the next day he would be my enemy"  he nodded his head

"Has he ever put his hands on you?" He asked

"Yes many times I tried so hard to leave but he would find me and the beating would get worse each time" He shook his head in disbelief

"He said he would never become our father but look at him" he scoffed I lowered my head

"How was your childhood how was your household" He asked

"My household was very toxic my mother was abused by my father for many years until she took her own life and ended up in a coma for 2 years and slipped away" I dampened my eyes

"You're a really strong woman don't you ever forget that" He smiled at me I returned the smile

"I know you probably don't remember me but we all went to high school together but that was when me and Lucas was competitors and not brothers" Roman explained

"I remember everyone was talking about you in a good way when you first came there" He continued

"They were like omg August Alsina's daughter is coming here?!" He mocked some girls and I laughed

"Yea but some things aren't as pleasing as they seem no one seemed to understand me" I said as I sighed

"Yea you were so shy" he explained

"I remember I would watch you walk to your classes you would have an oversized hoodie on with some air forces and khakis" He furrowed his eye brows then came to the conclusion

"Your dad..."

"He used to abuse you too didn't he" I nodded my head

"Yea it was hard from going to a private school to a public school it's because my dad was blowing through our money if it wasn't for my mom being a celebrity also we probably would've been broke" I explained

"Hello my name is Sydney what would you like to order?" The waitress asked

"Can I have two waffles warm syrup sausage links and has browns on the side thank you" I asked

"Uh can I get the same thing" He asked

"Yea and drinks?" Sydney asked

"Can I have a Apple juice please?" I asked

"Can I have orange juice" he asked

"It will be right up" she walked away

"How about you what was yours like?"  I referred to his childhood

"It was tough my dad was abusive to my mother but not me I was always his favorite child but Lucas used to get beat all the time for every little thing but me on the other hand was like "the chosen one" which eventually drove me and Lucas apart" he said and I nodded my head

"So Lucas was jealous? That your father shows you love but didn't show him the same affection" I asked

"Exactly" He nodded

"Lucas was always hostile towards everyone else because that's what he grew up on and when it came down to women he always had a short temper" Roman said

"I just wish things could've been differently" I said

"You'll get over him trust me"

20 minutes later the lady brought our food I was starving

"I was 16 when I had my first kid I was so excited man cause my girlfriend was pregnant but she ended up having to leave me with the baby because her parents were religious they moved her to her aunts and left my son with me" tears were brought to his eyes

"What happened to him?" I asked

"One day I woke up in the middle of the night to check on him and he wasn't breathing and I tried everything I could but he didn't wake back up" His eyes turned glossy he cleared his throat

"I'm so sorry Roman I never knew you were going through that" I rubbed his arm across the table

"I've healed from it but it still hurts" he said

"I was 15 when I was pregnant I was so ashamed of myself because I was so young but then again I was the one who got myself in that situation" I laughed

"But after I had Armani I kept having miscarriages I couldn't carry on full term and I was heart broken until I was pregnant with Amari" I smiled

"My little Angel" I said Roman looked at me and smiled

"I love the fact that you treat your children like they're you prized possessions your a good mother Autumn remember that"

"Thank you Roman you're great father" he stuffed a waffle in his mouth

"Roman" I laughed as he chewed loudly

"What?" He looked around clueless

"Stop chewing so ghetto" I laughed at him

"Girl ima chew ghetto if I want I'm straight from the hood" he did a ghetto accent terribly even though he did have a thick New York accent

"When did you get back here?"I asked

"Lucas doesn't have any other family and y'all were just engaged so they needed someone to ID the body and I decided to stay down here" he looked out the window I nodded my head

"You look so much like him" I shook my head in disbelief

"You know when you first came up to me I was so scared because I thought you were Lucas and I forgot you know he died" I lowered my head

"It's okay everyone has nervous moments it's nothing to be sad about" he lifted my chin

"When I was younger I used to get abused in different ways verbally, physically sexually you name it but because of that I never had a normal childhood I had to grow up fast and because of that lead me to Lucas what attracted me to him most is because he reminded me of what I was running away from, home..."

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