Adam x Male x Reeve

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Title: Dinner Disaster
Genre: fluff
Warnings: Mind control, spoilers for Season 2 ep 5 - 6

(Y/n) = your name
(Y/h/c) = your hair colour
(Y/h/l) = your hair length
(Y/p) = your power

Summary: Takes place between Season 2 ep 5 - 6 and just pretend the first season of the hollow had 3 teams and not 2, ok? ok.

For thollower

(Y/n POV)

"I mean It could have been worse" I mumble to myself as I look down at the plain dress shirt, black dress pants and the black vest to match. To be honest everyone is still kind of shaken up by Skeets death, but since Jules Voulcan invited us in for dinner we can probably theorize what is currently happening and a new way to find weird guy.

I leave the room Jules pushed me into when he was first showing us where we could get changed and see Adam and Mira not to far down the hall.

"Hey you two! Mira that dress looks good on you, and- whoa, suit looks good on you Adam" I reach out and pet his shoulder before moving down his arm to intertwine our pinky fingers. It was always a small gesture Adam and I did.

"You don't look to bad yourself (y/n)" Mira chimed in making me brake the loving gaze and soft smiles Adam and I were sharing. Last time we were in the Hollow my team was one the first out, however I spent some time with Adam, Mira and Kai before one of my team mates died and I pixelated in Adams arms. It was scary, but after the game was done we had decided to meet up afterwards for a few "unofficial" dates.

"Please, please, make yourselves comfortable, but where is Kai?" Jules Voulcan asks the three of us. Sitting down at the nicely set table, we greet Kai as he walks in in that silly sailor costume, Adam Mira and I sniker at his misfortune and each make comments on it.

I hide my face when Jules Voulcan starts complementing us, I've never really done well with them and often don't know how to respond.

"So hansome, so cute, So elegant, so um naval" Jules passes each of us before grabing Kai's hat only to roughly push it back don't Kai's head, he snaps something back to the older man but he pays it no mind. He then moves onto Mira complementing the blue streaks in her hair and then he moves to stand behind me.

"Oh ho ho and such a wonderful head of (Y/h/l) (Y/h/c)" he pulls a strand out which makes me yelp. "Ouch" I mumble while rubbing the spot on my head where he pulled it from.

He moves back to the head of the table, and once out of ear shot Mira whispers to us, "did you see that?" "I know! A grape peeler-" I tuned out Kai's voice and faced Adam.

"Did he grab a bit of your hair as well" I ask him nervously. "Yeah, he did. I don't think its anything to worry about, but keep your guard up" he gives my had a light squeze under the table and a gental smile. "I'm going to ask him about weird guy" Adam tells me before standing up.

"Monsieur Voulcan..." Adam starts but is soon cut off. "Jules, s'il vous plaît" "right, so uh, we've been looking for someone and we think he might have passef this way. His real name is Gustaf" thinking that might not be enough details I add on to what Adam had said, "But, he might go by Weirdy or The Weird Guy. Kinda shows up unexpectedly?"

Jules Voulcan just give us a blank stare. Its really creppy and I can feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand on edge.

"Later we talk. Now, we eat!" He replys serious at first but he has a pep in his voice by the end.

Oh no, what are they doing here. This is going to get real awkward real fast, I see Reeve and Vanessa walk through the doors and pushing karts with our dinner on it. You see, during the last game of The Hollows, Adam and Reeve may have fought about something involving me. What they were fighting about I don't know, and don't plan on asking.

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