🖤Tadashi Hamada x male reader🖤

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(W A R N I N G)

•Harmful thoughts
•Hints of suicide
Please if you feel like this, speak to someone

Story: My Only Reason

(Y/n POV)

I remember when I first met Tadashi. It was orientation day at San Fransokyo Institute of Technology, and you just so happened to be in the same orientation group has him, only because you were studying bioengineering.

Everything was perfect that day, you met some really cool people and became friends really quikly and you could tell everything was going to be perfect.

After a little while, Tadashi and I grew close and eventually made it official, and after 9 months (and the help of your parents) you moved into an apartment.

Things between us were moving fast but life moves faster, so we decided not to wait.

Thats when things weren't so perfect.

Tadashi's brother started getting into bot fights, my wonderful boyfriend moved back into his aunts place to help look after his own little brother.

I told him that I didn't mind, I lied though. Everyday felt line Tadashi was drifting away from me and it hurt, what if he didn't need me anymore? What if he found someone better?

I wish I hadn't thought those things.

I should have trusted Tadashi more.

He wouldn't leave me.

But he did, didn't he?

Honey Lemon tried to talk to me, she was always a good friend. She said I looked very tired and that this was an unhealthy way of me attempting to cope with Tadashis death.

Maybe she's right, maybe she's not.

I have to options right now.

Go and see Tadashi or bring Tadashi back to me.

It is that drive that brought me here, standing infront my once friends. Holding his little brother, preparing to use his DNA to recreate Tadashi.

They sound so distressed. Honey Lemon speaks up.

"Please (Y/N), hurting Hiro won't bring Tadashi back. Your upset, we all were, but you need to move on. Let us help you, thats what friends are for"

How can she smile, when my only reason to live is gone?

OK just a small one to start off this book with, I mean who doesn't love a bit of angst? And who doesn't love Tadashi? Idk I might make a part 2 of this. If you ever feel like that please call someone and talk about it, there are always people who are willing to listen.

- Sincerely, Me

BxB OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon