💚Meliodas x Male!Reader💚

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Title: Make you mine
Genre: lime-ish
Warnings: Suggestive themes

(Y/n) = your name
(Y/h/c) = your hair colour
(Y/h/l) = your hair length

I was the perfect prize for any demon. I had this rare ability to regenerate any magic power taken from me, the perfect battery to charge the Demon Kings own ego and magic.

So obviously when his three sons became of age to start running military opperations, he decided to share me with them.

It started as a ball, the plan was to celebrated them coming of age and then take me back to a shared room where they could take my power without being interupted.

Everything was going well, and I even made small talk with Galland and Melascula. And yet they talked down to me, as if I were just some pretty and useful thing for the Demon Clan. A ornament, a toy, a battery.

Screw them.

I walk off and go get ready for the spell we would need to use to drain my power. It wasn't very complex, however only high ranked demons can withstand gaining so much energy at once. Entering through the great castle doors I make my way back inside.

I walk down the long red velvet carpet that decorated the halls, candles and torches littered the walls and set the mood of glum and dull. I've walked down these halls so many times it feels like second nature, however I have this lingering feeling that I've never had before.

I turn around to see the eldest prince following me, his armor claded leggings and gauntlets softly cluttered with the rythem of his steps. So I stop and wait for him to catch up. "Your highness, the ceremony hasn't finished yet, why are you here?" Its common knowledge to any demon that he never liked partys, but this is important to his Father so I would at least think he'd stay for that.

"I saw you leave the ball, thought it would be fun to get started on the ritual early" he responded with a simple sigh and small frown. He appered to be lost in thought, perhaps he was wondering about sharing with his brothers? He's waited all this time to gain more power, after all, both Meliodas and Estarossa had to wait until Zeldris got old enough, so it would be fair to say he might be a little bit impatient.

I take his hand gentley guide him to the room where the ritual was to take place. I push the heavy door open and take my place on the bed, lying on my back, surrendering myself to him. It was my job to make sure the royal family of the Demon Clan is satisfied, and I'd be damned if I didn't take pride in my work.

I hear the soft thud of the door closing as Meliodas climbs on top of me and litters my neck with harsh kisses and bites, claiming current ownership of my body, until his brothers were to come and share one of the Demon Kings most valuble tressures.

I let out a litle whimper as my hands travle down his chest, running my fingers under his jacket and feeling every muscle, begining to become desperate and horny. He lifts my shirt over my head and then his kisses trailing down to my chest and going lower down to my stomach and I let out a unsatisfied hum when he stops right below my belly button.

He sits back to take his jacket off and throws it into the corner of the room, as well as slipping of his gauntlets which makes a louder, more irritating sound as they hit the floor. He places his knee in between my legs and gentaly grines permitting shameful and un-holy sounds come from my throat.

The door creaks open to see the two shadowed figures of the other demon princes. Eyeing me down like a hungry animal.


Do ya want a part two like a foursome thing?

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