Rengoku x male! Husband reader pt 2

44 1 0

Title: rainy middays
Genre: fluff
Warnings: might get sad

(Y/n) = your name
(Y/h/c) = your hair colour
(Y/h/l) = your hair length

Summary: Rengoku has recovered to the point where he can continue his work as hashira, we want him to stay

Since one person has commented that they wanted more, more shall be given.


I sigh, listening to the white noise of the Rengoku residence. The rhythmic taps against the roof is a perfect backdrop for my current state, and as the storm comes closer I can feel myself tipping over the edge.

Kyojuro's crow had returned to the house with a message from the master a few days ago. 'A hashira is needed after Tengen Uzui has been forced into retirement', of course the master had sent his pleasantries as well, but it was obvious he only wanted Kyojuro's skills as a hashira rather than letting him having a fulfilling long rest of his life.

Knowing my husband, he'll do it. He'll go back to the demon slayer corpes and protect people because that is the kind of person he is, I married Kyojuro because he cares about everyone, but as seen on the train, his compassion will kill him one day.

"Are you sure you want to go?" I mutter from my place on our futon, my hands raking through Kyojuro's bi-coloured hair.

"Of course my love! It is the oath I took when I became a demon slayer!" Kyojuro responds with enthusiasm, as if going back to the slayers was honor and not a death sentence.

"You saw what Tengen looked like... what those demons did to him... what if you aren't as lucky as he was... what if you don't come back?" I ask, stopping my comforting actions in order to roll onto my side, my back facing my husband so he couldn't see me cry. I don't want Kyojuro to feel bad about my teats... he loves being a swordsman and it's obvious to everyone that he misses being a demon slayer... I can't stop him from going back if he wants to.

"I know you are worried my love, there is no certainty that I will return to you alive. But I will do everything in my power to come home to you." Kyojuro mutters into my neck, nuzzling my nape before moving onto the side of my neck to pepper gentle kisses. Kyojuro's affection always make me giggle and squirm, as if I was a bushing teenager again.

I begin to thrash and gasp when Kyojuro's hands finds its way to my sides, tickling me to the point where tears of joy fall down my cheeks rather than tears of grief.

"K-Kyojuro! My love! P-please! I can't take it anymore" I desperately try to breath as I shouted at my husband, his own boisterous laughs drowning mine. This little game of ours continues until I can wriggle out of his grasp and I bolt to the other side of the room, huffing and giggling like a mad man. Before I know it Kyojuro stands up himself, bending his knees to the point where he could spring off at any given moment at great speeds, his own wild grin complementing his tussled hair.

I make my move first, dashing to our bedroom door and slipping though before he could grab me, yet I know he isn't far behind. The floorboards squeak under our heavy foot fall, startling Senjuro, I offer him an apologetic smile but continue to dash to the porch in an attempt to get away from my crazy husband.

Before I know it I've jumped off the porch, my feet splashing in the mud as I land, rain instantly soaking me to the bone. Kyojuro's arms wrap tightly around my waist as he tackles me to the ground, unfortunately that means we both go down; splashing ourselves in the wet grass not caring if it stains our clothes.

"Oh Kyojuro, I can't imagine my life without you" I yell to him over the pelting rain.

"I love you more my dear!" He yells back just as enthusiastically, grabbing my checks and pulling me in for a wet kiss on my lips. I return the kiss, throwing my leg over my husband's waist, I straddle his hips and entangled my fingers into his streaky wet hair. A wicked grin crosses my lips as I grab fists fulls of mud a smear it across his face, of course as revenge Kyojuro grabs his own handfuls of mud, shoving it into my face.

Our laughs echo throughout the courtyard, so loud that Senjuro nervously walks out onto the porch, clearing his throat.

"Brother? (Y/n)? Are you two alright?" Senjuro timidly asks, his voice barely audible over the rain.

"We are just perfect little brother!" Kyojuro yells out, laughing up at me, his eyes deep with love. All of that love, staring straight at me, only at me.

I hope you like this <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2023 ⏰

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